Good Evening.
I am contacting you in regards to a matter regarding the Laws of Liberty section one subsection one, on Behalf of Samura Heavy Industries.
We feel that this law, as can be quoted as ...
Quote:The possession of Civilian pilots and Liberty personnel is not permitted. Any ships found to have pilots aboard will be ordered to release them to the nearest ranking Liberty forces vessel, or to the nearest lawfully patrolled base or planet.
Is outdated and not only poses a risk to lawful vessels passing through the Republic of Liberty, but also to the officers of law enforcement within Liberty charged with enforcing this law despite the many cases where civilians choose to be on vessels for such a varied amount of reasons that it would be a complete waste of time to mention them all.
As such we request that this item is dropped from the Laws of Liberty all together. Or if this is deemed to be unwarranted, at least reworded to affect only organisations that are deemed to be unlawful within the republic.
I am sure you can see how this change would better suit the realities of life within Liberty and not see useless capital being wasted attempting to bring in civilians wanted for questioning, when they have performed no action that places either lives or property at any risk.