Server Commands

From Discovery Wiki

The Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server has a number of useful commands that players can use.

Help, Restarts and Connecticut

Command Notes
/help In-game Help

Displays a help screen in the chatlog with all server commands.

/showrestarts Displays all possible faction restarts. You can look over all the factions you can start playing as.

Use one of the faction codes in the next command.

/restart <faction>

Example: /restart civilianku

This command will "restart" your brand new character. Changing it's ship, loadout, location, ID & IFF to match the requested faction.
/conn This command teleports you to the Connecticut system, which is used for PvP training and loadout tests.

This command will not work if you are carrying any cargo.

/return To return from Connecticut, land on a station and use this command. When you launch, you will return to the station you teleported into Connecticut from.

Chat and Groups

Command Notes
/local <message>

/l <message>

The first command sends a message into "Local Chat". All players within sensor range can see local messages. This is the default setting for messages.
/system <message>

/s <message>

This command will push a messages into "System Chat"

System is where all players within your current system receives the message.

/group <message>

/g <message>

Used to send messages to "Group Chat" (purple)

All players within the same group will get the message, regardless of location.

/fm <tag> Faction message is used to send a message to all players with names containing the specified letters. This means a faction message for BAF would invite BAF| players, but it would also include a character called Baffled.
// Used to mark an Out of Character (OOC) message - typically when notifying players about a change in IRL (In Real Life) circumstances that means you need to leave an encounter.
/r If you receive a direct message from another player (green text), this command can be used to respond to them without manually selecting them through the player list.
/invite <player name> Used to invite the named player to a group.
/fi <tag> Faction invite is used to invite players with names containing the specified letters. This means a faction invite for BAF would invite BAF| players, but it would also invite a character called Baffled.


Accepts a group invite.
/leave Leaving a Group

If you gotta go, you gotta go.

/marktarget Target Marking

Typically used during group fights, to visually mark a certain player for your group to attack. This command can also be mapped to a keypress in Options > Controls > Multiplayer.

/setmessage # <text> Used to pre-record text that can be sent on demand. You can prerecord up to 9 messages (the # value in the command).

Including #t in a setmessage template will display the name of a targeted player, i.e. "/setmessage 1 Hello #t, please halt for inspection"

/# Using /# will broadcast the setmessage you have recorded for that value. For example, typing /1 will play your first recorded setmessage.

Managing Credits

Command Notes
/givecash <charname> <cash>

/gc <charname> <cash>

Used to send credits to the named character.
/givecashtarget <cash>

/gct <cash>

Used to send credits to a selected player ship.
/set cashcode <cashcode> This will set your current character up as a bank. Credits can be withdrawn by anyone with the password.

Use at own risk.

/drawcash <character name> <cashcode> <cash>

/drc <character name> <cashcode> <cash>

Used to withdraw funds from a ship with a valid cashcode set up.
/showcash <charname> <cashcode>

/shc <charname> <cashcode>

Used to check the balance of a ship with a valid cashcode set up.

Account Management

Command Notes
/set movecharcode <movecharcode> Setting a movecharcode allows anyone with that password to move the ship into their account.
/movechar <charname> <movecharcode> Use this command on a ship that is in the account you would like the target ship moved to. Using the command costs $20,000.

Renaming, Reputation and IFFs

Command Notes
/renameme <new name> Allows you to change the name of your character. This costs $20,000 and has a 2 week / 14 day cooldown before you can rename again.
/resetrep If your rep sheet has been badly messed up, you can use this command to hard reset all values back to your ID's default settings. This costs $100,000 to use.
/droprep This drops the rep level of the faction that is currently set as your IFF, clearing your IFF. This is used if you have accidentally obtained the wrong IFF. Costs $20,000 to use.
/freelancer Sets your IFF to the Freelancer faction.
/pirate Sets your IFF to the Pirate faction.


Command Notes
/groupsize <groupID>

/gs <groupID>

Print the size of the provided group. If you're in a group of your own, prints size of that as well.
/missionbug Forcibly aborts your current mission. Fixes the rare 'mission bug' when the game incorrectly thinks you're still on one, preventing you from being invited.
/wp x y z Drops a waypoint in the current system at provided coordinates.
/wpp (partialPlayerName) If grouped with selected player, game will attempt to plot waypoint route to their current position. Accepts partial name, case insensitive.
/rally Sets current waypoints of all your group members to your current location.
/shields [drop] Toggles your shields on or off and prevents recharge. Add a 'drop' parameter to instantly drain your shields to zero.
/stuck Moves your ship a small distance. Useful in larger ships if you are wedged in a Trade Lane or station.
/autobuy This command enables you to quickly repair and refill any consumables your ship needs upon docking with any NPC base.

You can choose which types of consumables to repurchase. Typing the command will provide you with particular options.


/pingtarget or /pt

Displays info relating to your connection to the server, i.e. ping, latency, fluctuation, etc.

Pingtarget does the same for a selected player.

/coin Flips a coin with a heads or tails result.
/dice (NumDice)d(DiceSides)[+-](Modifier)

Example: /dice 2d8-1

Roll dice of the desired size, adding or subtracting modifiers as specified.
/time This will print the server date and time in chat. Useful if you need to take a timestamped screenshot.


This will print scan data for the selected target. Used to record name, IFF, ID and ship type for bounty scans.
/pos This will print your ship's X Y Z position coordinates for your current system.

Useful when you find something hidden that you want to record the location of.

/rep This will print your character's full reputation sheet info into chat.


Command Notes
/setinfo # <a/d> Used to set up a custom infocard that is attached to your character. This infocard can be reviewed through a specific command, or by selecting a player and pressing F9.

The # relates to the text paragraph. A = append, meaning whatever you type will be added directly to the end of the specified paragraph. D = delete, in case you need to erase a paragraph and start over.

Maximum of 5 paragraphs and 2000 characters total.

Formatting guide: Here
/showinfo Display the setinfo infocard for the player you have targeted. If they have not set up an infocard, the command will fail. This command can be mapped to a hotkey through the multiplayer tab of your controls menu.
/showinfo me

/si me

Display your own setinfo infocard. Useful for proofreading what you have entered.

Jump Drives

/jump <systemName|blind|stop|list>/jump sectors <systemName> systemName - Begins the jump to the selected system if it is in range. Case insensitive.

stop - Stops charging of the jump drive.

blind - Performs a blind jump. Currently all blind jumps are mysteriously redirected to the Earhart system.

list - Lists available destination systems from current location, along with system distance, which determines fuel consumption.

sectors - Prints all exit points within selected system.

/setsector <number> When charging the jump drive, one of available preset coordinates is selected. You can manually pick one using this command.
/canjump <systemName> Provides a yes/no answer if the selected system is in jump range.
/canbeacon <playerName/ID> Provides a yes/no answer if the selected player is in range of a beacon jump. Does not work if target player does not have one equipped.
/jumpbeacon <playerName/ID> If selected player is in range, sends a jump request to selected player. If accepted, your Jump Drive begins charging a jump on their position.
/acceptbeacon <playerName/ID> Accepts jump request from selected player.

Police Commands

Command Notes
/net all on Trade Lane and Gate Scanning Network - TLAGSNET

This command allows Police factions, Lane Hackers and Nomads to track player movement through Trade Lanes and Jump Gates within their respective territory.

With the network turned on, you will be notified of a player's name and scan number ($XX) each time they dock with a relevant Trade Lane or Jump Gate.

/scan Trade Lane and Gate Scanning Network - TLAGSNETThis command can target a player's name, or their scan number (as described above). It provides a list of equipment and cargo carried by that player. If that player is not currently travelling through the network, the command will fail.
/nodock Available only to Police Official Factions, it prevents the targeted player from docking on lawful bases for 60 seconds.

Locking a Faction Tag

Command Notes
/maketag <tag> <master password> <description> Use this command to create a new tag. Creating a new tag costs 500 000 sc.

The <tag> parameter is a 3-23 letter tag.

The <master password> is the password used to drop the faction tag (in order to change the master password) or to set the rename password.

The <description> is intended to provide an indication of the group that owns tag, i.e. their name and officiality status.

/droptag <tag> <master password> Use this command to delete a tag.

The <tag> and <master password> parameters should be the same as used in the /maketag command.

Dropping the tag and re-creating it is the only way to change the master password.

/settagpass <tag> <master password> <rename password> This command is used to set or clear the rename password.

The <tag> and <master password> parameters should be the same as used in the /maketag command.

If this password is set then people must use /renameme to create a ship name starting with this tag.

If not, the tag is owned, but unprotected.

/renameme <new name> <tag rename password> Use this if you'd like to rename a current ship into one that uses a Faction Tag.

Be mindful that this uses the password that was set when the Tag was locked down.