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Revision as of 00:36, 23 March 2024 by Misterich (talk | contribs)
Governing House Independent
Region Tau Edge Worlds
Connected Systems Edinburgh

Roussillon - also known as Tau-115 - is a remote system in the Taus and the Gallic Hebrides. The system was once the Council's second home. After the discovery and destruction of the system by the GRN, the system was under the control of the Gallic Royal Enclave for some time. Today the system is effectively under the control of the Maquis.

Tau-115 was discovered in 814 AS by the IMG. Planet 115-C1 was of particular interest because, as an Earth-like planet, it could enable human settlement, even if the planet's air was still a major problem. The guild leadership decided to keep the system under strict secrecy because of the outbreak of the Tau War at around the same time. The IMG did plan to settle on its own, but they had to fear for their existence in the Tau War and had to concentrate on this. As a result of the Gallic Civil War, the rebels broke the isolation of Gallia in 827 AS and made contact with the IMG. They essentially acquired Tau-115 and immediately began colonizing 220,000 refugees from the Languedoc system, whose control they were in danger of losing again. The system and its objects were given new French names - in keeping with the Gallic tradition. Tau-115 became Roussillon and 115-C1 became Planet Toulouse, which quickly became the second capital of the Council and its allies.

The Gallic Royal Navy subsequently overlooked the Roussillion system during the invasion of Sirius, allowing the refugees to live here in relative safety for several years. Some IMG members also joined and thus the first - albeit small - mixing of Sirius and Gallia. Eventually, however, the GRN discovered access to the system and began destroying the enemies there. Through a shadow agreement brokered by the Unione Corse, Toulouse was evacuated with the permission of the GRN and most of the residents moved to Planet Marseille. Toulouse was then destroyed by the Council's forces using nuclear weapons.

EFL then began to clear up the planet again for new settlement. However, the project ended with the collapse of the kingdom. Although Roussillon with Toulouse became one of the quasi-core systems of the Gallic Royal Enclave, it was quickly decided to concentrate on settling Planet Bordeaux and securing Aquitaine.

After the BAF was able to recapture Aquitaine and thus end the Gallic War, the Maquis took over the system and built their most important shipyard here, Sournia. But the surviving royalists are still hiding in the secluded system to this day.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Red Dwarf
  • TYPE: M6
  • COLOR: Red
  • MASS: 1.45 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 0.92 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Planet Foix Uninhabited
Planet Toulouse Uninhabited
Le Soler Uninhabited
Planet Elne Uninhabited
Planet Argeles Uninhabited
Tarascon Uninhabited
Planet Prades Uninhabited
Planet Prades Uninhabited
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Agout Asteroid Field
  • Ariege Nebula
  • Tarn Ice Field
  • Toulouse Orbital Debris Field
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Battleship Pamiers The Maquis
Montauban Base Gallic Brigands
Sournia Repair Yards The Maquis
Sournia Logistical Drydock The Maquis
Sournia Warship Drydock The Maquis
Battleship Resurgent Gallic Royalists
  • Commodity Mining
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
      Corporations & Guilds
        Unlawful Factions
        • Gallic Brigands
        • Gallic Royalists
        • The Maquis

        System Map

        Bw15 map.png

        Areas of Interest


        Ariege Nebula

        The Ariege Nebula is a cluster of dense particulates, primarily hydrogen and is thought to be a nodule of the Hebrides Nebula so prominent in the skies of Bretonia.

        The presence of the Ariege in Roussillon, and Roussillon's distance from the Barrier Nebulae have led cartographers and astronomers to argue that Roussillon should not be categorized as part of Tau. The new cluster would be called Lambda.

        Tarn Ice Field

        The Tarn Ice Field is a cloud of asteroids captured from the Barrier Nebula as the Rousillion system passed through the nebula's reaches long ago. The field is composed of particularly dirty bodies of frozen water, which the cost of refining has made any mining of the field to be prohibitively expensive when compared to other sources. Until recently it was notable due to council traffic plying the route from Rousillion to Tau, but the recent instability that collapsed the Tau-29 hole has left the expanse of the Tarn with little to offer.

        Asteroid Fields

        Agout Asteroid Field

        When the Council, Brigand and Maquis forces first arrived in Roussillon, this asteroid field was the first obstacle they encountered. Frozen pockets of oxygen were quickly marked a navigational hazard. However, as the construction of several space stations and settlement of Toulouse began, that same field became a valuable local source of oxygen, which was scarce in the system due to the toxicity of Toulouse's atmosphere.

        Toulouse Orbital Debris Field

        The Toulouse Orbital Debris Field is a notorious cloud of wreckage in the Roussillon system. The field did not come into being from any one event; rather, it was formed by the gradual accumulation of Royalist, Council, and Maquisard wrecks, as well as the odd Sirian ship that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

        The harsh environment of Roussillon makes any attempts to clean up and develop the Toulouse field nearly impossible. Periodically, explosions rumble through the field as the residual explosives within the amassed wreckage slowly destabilize and spontaneously detonate.

        Both the Maquisards and Royalists regularly patrol the Toulouse field. The cloud not only shields their own vessels from their rivals but also holds potentially coveted weapons and valuable technology for both factions.


        Jump Gates/Holes

        Target System Type Location
        Edinburgh Jump Hole D-7/6
        Orkney Jump Hole C-2

        NOTE: Page generated on the 17/11/2023 at 17:48:43 UTC