
From Discovery Wiki
Revision as of 13:11, 2 June 2024 by Aingar (talk | contribs)

When using /setinfo command, you can use the following special tags to additionally format your text.

The tags work until they are overridden with another tag of the same category. Tags are case sensitive.

%% - prints a singular % symbol

%n - prints a newline

Text format tags:

%Nx - normal text

%sx - small text

%vx - very small text

%wx - wide(big) text

You MUST replace 'x' with one of the following:

b - bold

i - italic

u - underline

n - normal

For example, to reset text to go back to fully normal, do '%Nn', to do small underline, do '%vu'

Color tags:

'Regular' colors:

%rd - 'system chat' blue

%rB - black

%rW - white

%rr - red

%rg - green

%rb - deep sky blue

%rv - violet

%ry - yellow

%ro - orange

%rG - grey

'Light' colors:

%lr - pinkish red

%lg - light green

%lb - system blue

%lv - blue violet

%ly - light yellow

%lo - light orange

%lG - light grey

'Dark' colors:

%dr - dark red

%dg - dark green

%db - dark blue

%dv - dark violet

%dy - dark yellow

%do - dark orange

%dG - dark grey