Omicron Minor

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Revision as of 15:20, 7 June 2024 by DiscoveryBot (talk | contribs)
Omicron Minor
Governing House Independent
Region Nomad Worlds
Connected Systems Alaska
Omicron Mu
Omicron Delta

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Yellow Dwarf
  • TYPE: G2
  • COLOR: Yellow
  • MASS: 1.48 x 10e30 kg
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Planet Toledo Uninhabited
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Azurite Gas
  • Omicron Minor Edge Nebula
  • Toledo Graveyard
Industrial Development
Space Stations
  • Commodity Mining
    • Azurite Gas
    • Scrap Metal
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
      Corporations & Guilds
        Unlawful Factions

          System Map

          St01 map.png

          Areas of Interest


          Omicron Minor Edge Nebula

          The Edge nebula is an immense looming cloud that occupies almost half of the Omicron Minor system. Once used as a screen by the secretive organisation known as the Order to protect their adopted homeworld, it now serves as a mass graveyard for all those lost during the Battle of Omicron Minor and the devastation of planet Toledo.

          Asteroid Fields

          Azurite Gas

          AZURITE GAS

          Azurite is an exotic material sourced from deep within the Edge Nebula. Seemingly linked to the Alien structures found across the Omicrons, extremely hazardous mining operations have been established around a damaged artifact in Omicron-Minor. Research has revealed that processed Azurite is an ideal hybridisation interface between Alien and human technology. This has caused intense conflict between the Core, Nomads and Order, all of whom wish to control the resource for their own purposes.

          Toledo Graveyard

          >>>WARNING: SEVERE DANGER<<<

          A disc formed from planetary fragments, scrap and derelict ships from the second Battle of Toledo led to the appearance of a sort of unspoken "no man's land". A shameful memorial for both the Order's and the Core's fleets, the graveyard continues to grow in size. Both sides appear to be too occupied with one another to conduct any salvage operations on a large scale, meaning that so long as the conflict continues and due to the danger that even a Junker wouldn't think twice about risking, the field will remain for the indeterminate future.

          The sheer amount of scrap metal attracts the occasional odd scavenger, liable to join the silent fleet of wrecks. With the crossfire between the Order and Core still churning above the dead planet and Nomads attacking everyone without discrimination, Omicron Minor is one of the most dangerous places to be in the entire Sirius Sector.


          Red Sand - E-6/5

          Recovering log partitions.

          Arthur Kilpatrick here... my wing, along with a few others managed to sneak out of the encirclement and we have been doing hit and run attacks on the Nomads from the rear, near the Alien Gate. It hasn't been working too well... There are just two of us left. Minor seems oddly quiet, no transmissions coming, and I'm sure I saw a flash of light a little while back... what is that? Jason, give me a reading... heads up, looks a lot of nomads headed this way, you've been the best wing a man could get... let's do our best.

          The recording clips in between, then resumes.

          Jason is down. My ship is disabled, life support systems failing, so I'm done for. Nomads are going through the gate. I think all of them... Wait, something else is there... What the hell is that...

          The recording abruptly ends in a clutter of static here.


          Core Battlecruiser - E/D-4/5

          Islington - C-4/3

          In 806 AS Richard Winston Tobias, Esq., bet Edison Trent half a million credits that he would come all the way from Leeds to Toledo in a Clydesdale freighter - alone and without escort. The freighter of choice was Islington, heavily modified ship that belonged to Tobias for years. Surprisingly, the Islington survived the long journey to Omicron Minor, and Tobias was very near to reaching his goal. However, not far from Toledo the ship was damaged by a small asteroid. Tobias survived and called for help; luckily enough, an Order patrol was nearby and rescued him shortly before Nomads arrived at the scene. Trent was reluctant to pay, but finally agreed in exchange for a promise that Tobias would never never leave Bretonia alone again.


          Nefertiti - D/C-4/5

          The cargo manifest of the ship shows an array of Nomad artifacts of various types. One had been stored in a seperate container for some reason. Ship scans reveal all of the artifacts as still on the ship, the ones not present floating in space. Only one artifact cannot be accounted for, the one in the seperate container. The nomads seem to have targeted first the engines, then the cargo bay of the transport, then ignored it, as judging from the state of the bridge and other parts of the ship. The bodies of the pilots are still on board, preserved in space


          Jump Gates/Holes

          Target System Type Location
          Alaska Jump Hole D-6
          Omicron Mu Jump Hole E-4
          Omicron Delta Jump Hole E-5

          NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:42 UTC