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Governing House Independent
Region Tau Edge Worlds
Connected Systems Edinburgh

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Brown Dwarf
  • TYPE: L3
  • COLOR: Red
  • MASS: 0.23 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 0.1 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Brown Dwarf Uninhabited
Planet Toulouse Uninhabited
Planet Foix Uninhabited
Tarascon Uninhabited
Planet Argeles Uninhabited
Planet Elne Uninhabited
Le Soler Uninhabited
Planet Prades Uninhabited
Ceret Uninhabited
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Agout Asteroid Field
  • Ariege Nebula
  • Debris Field
  • Edinburgh Gateway Mine Field
  • Tarn Ice Field
  • Tau-44 Gateway Mine Field
  • Tet Ice Asteroid Field
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Battleship Resurgent Gallic Royalists
Battleship Pamiers The Maquis
Montauban Base Gallic Brigands
Caussade Depot The Maquis
  • Commodity Mining
    • Oxygen
    • Scrap Metal
    • Water
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
      Corporations & Guilds
        Unlawful Factions
        • Gallic Brigands
        • Gallic Royalists
        • The Maquis

        System Map


        Areas of Interest


        Ariege Nebula

        The Ariege Nebula is a cluster of dense particulates, primarily hydrogen and is thought to be a nodule of the Hebrides Nebula so prominent in the skies of Bretonia.

        The presence of the Ariege in Roussillon, and Roussillon's distance from the Barrier Nebulae have led cartographers and astronomers to argue that Roussillon should not be categorized as part of Tau. The new cluster would be called Lambda.

        Asteroid Fields

        Tet Ice Asteroid Field

        Tet is a remote field of ice asteroids that concentrate around Tarascon, a moon on the far orbit of Planet Argeles.

        Agout Asteroid Field

        When the Council, Brigand and Maquis forces first arrived in Roussillon, this asteroid field was the first obstacle they encountered. Frozen pockets of oxygen were quickly marked a navigational hazard. However, as the construction of several space stations and settlement of Toulouse began, that same field became a valuable local source of oxygen, which was scarce in the system due to the toxicity of Toulouse's atmosphere.

        Tarn Ice Field

        The Tarn Ice Field is a cloud of asteroids captured from the Barrier Nebula as the Rousillion system passed through the nebula's reaches long ago. The field is composed of particularly dirty bodies of frozen water, which the cost of refining has made any mining of the field to be prohibitively expensive when compared to other sources. Until recently it was notable due to council traffic plying the route from Rousillion to Tau, but the recent instability that collapsed the Tau-29 hole has left the expanse of the Tarn with little to offer.

        Debris Field

        Edinburgh Gateway Mine Field

        A dangerous and dense minefield laid down by Council forces to defend their bases in the Rousillion system.

        Tau-44 Gateway Mine Field

        A dangerous and dense minefield laid down by Council forces to defend their bases in the Rousillion system.


        Jump Gates/Holes

        Target System Type Location
        Edinburgh Jump Hole B-6
        Tau-44 Jump Hole G/F-3
        Tau-61 Jump Hole C-2

        NOTE: Page generated on the 13/06/2023 at 13:02:27 UTC