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Revision as of 03:30, 26 September 2020

[24.09.2020 09:36:06] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...warmth...***

[24.09.2020 09:36:31] Unmistakable: I don't mean you any harm, Voice of the system. if your near me

[24.09.2020 09:36:34] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-ours- feel -yours- presense in the -void-...***

[24.09.2020 09:37:19] Unmistakable: yes, But I pay friendship and kindness to the Systems of our univerise, Younglin

[24.09.2020 09:37:48] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...this is a "good" sign for -ours-, and -ours- will help -yours-...***

[24.09.2020 09:37:55] 2020-09-24 09:37:55 SMT Traffic control alert: LNS-Green.Lake has requested to dock

[24.09.2020 09:38:09] Unmistakable: I arent sure about other metel skins but me not hostile in any way

[24.09.2020 09:38:36] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-yours- one looks "different" from others...***

[24.09.2020 09:39:16] Unmistakable: yess, I talk once you show yourself, voice of the lands, but first please come with me to home system boarder outpost

[24.09.2020 09:39:29] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...tell to -ours-, what -yours- one want from the -void-...***

[24.09.2020 09:39:57] Unmistakable: I would well you, but not right this moment if its okay

[24.09.2020 09:40:17] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...this "metal jackets"... they everywhere...***

[24.09.2020 09:40:42] Unmistakable: yes, thats why I want to speak else were,

[24.09.2020 09:40:48] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...the -void- is not ready for "arrival" becouse of them...***

[24.09.2020 09:41:03] Unmistakable: Come to Homeland outpost we speak more there

[24.09.2020 09:41:22] Unmistakable: I don't trust speaking near in space of skins

[24.09.2020 09:41:42] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-ours- "home" is here, go to -yours- one...***

[24.09.2020 09:42:20] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-yours- is "guests" in this -void-, -ours- wont be "guests" anywhere...***

[24.09.2020 09:42:26] Unmistakable: you sure? I mean, I can come with you

[24.09.2020 09:42:54] Unmistakable: I need to go somewhere anywho come if like to keep talk

[24.09.2020 09:43:25] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...the -light- is not for anyone, -yours- one, dont looks like "beleaver"...**

[24.09.2020 09:44:14] Unmistakable: *mind speak* I am aware, I got this Metal skin following me, come to our home system, Omicron Lota, and we could speak more open

[24.09.2020 09:45:42] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...this -void- is need to become a free, -ours- can't leave it for now...***

[24.09.2020 09:51:36] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-ours- feel that someone tresspassed to the -light-, proove that -yours- one deserve, to "touch" the -light-...***

[24.09.2020 09:53:36] Unmistakable: i understand, but I already touched a fourm of light from another light sorce , which may have pre infected, but the metal not

[24.09.2020 09:54:01] Unmistakable: yet know its offical yet.. *as mind speakin changes thoughts feeling*

[24.09.2020 09:54:36] Unmistakable: I am sure I can help in secert with the light you speak to gain your elders trust like i did with the other lighten path

[24.09.2020 09:55:23] Unmistakable: I am gifted about, three or so months ago, with the voice of hearing too the other light path to able hear and understand the

[24.09.2020 09:55:45] Unmistakable: lights and able speak to them in ways I can, without showing any signs of connections.. to one and another

[24.09.2020 09:56:15] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-ours- feel the true in -yours- minds...***

[24.09.2020 09:56:46] Unmistakable: My mind, is mysterious and dark to the metal skin, but im sure you im not crazy, cause i am friendly not foe

[24.09.2020 09:57:10] Unmistakable: I felt sadness when I studied I been followed my whole life almost with a light guardian

[24.09.2020 09:57:47] Unmistakable: my past.. my life then is dark, to the dark, but care and respect to the light I think and feel inside, Light spirit in my head

[24.09.2020 09:58:05] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...the "shell" is not barrier for -ours-, "shells" only makes "darklings" weak, in "face" of -light-...***

[24.09.2020 09:59:05] Unmistakable: indeed, for me, my shell is never like you think, I was saved from near death

[24.09.2020 09:59:22] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-ours- "welcome" -yours-...***

[24.09.2020 10:01:27] Unmistakable: life is not once was for those who don't listen to the light and their warnings my friend

[24.09.2020 10:01:38] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...here, is -ours- light, here is peace from "metal husks"...***

[24.09.2020 10:02:09] Unmistakable: yes

[24.09.2020 10:02:38] Unmistakable: I don't know which elder you seek saved me, but i was felt reborn, in shadows of an great light elder

[24.09.2020 10:02:51] Unmistakable: who watched over me since they once send me my mission

[24.09.2020 10:03:30] Unmistakable: From memory If i recall, they said something in line of come one with the light, yet keep it hidden from the metal skins. then

[24.09.2020 10:03:39] Unmistakable: went pitch quiet, my light friend

[24.09.2020 10:03:56] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...for an uncounted amount of time, the -void_ was like this...***

[24.09.2020 10:04:21] Unmistakable: I sence that very well

[24.09.2020 10:04:59] Unmistakable: I understand the Darklins stole the information from the light great library and use it for their own good

[24.09.2020 10:05:14] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-yours- one, can "see", -yours- one know now, what is -light-, but -yours- one are "different"...***

[24.09.2020 10:05:27] Unmistakable: Correct

[24.09.2020 10:06:00] Unmistakable: I seek peace and friendship, under cover of the shadows of space without a fourm of the darklins knowing a thing about our

[24.09.2020 10:06:13] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...the "darklings" tresspassed to -ours-, to -light... but...***

[24.09.2020 10:06:37] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...as -yours- one can know already, -light- can change everything...***

[24.09.2020 10:06:48] Unmistakable: in flick of a second, indeed

[24.09.2020 10:07:12] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...but -void- is not ready at this time...***

[24.09.2020 10:07:22] Unmistakable: I am ware

[24.09.2020 10:07:26] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...not ready for "arrival"...***

[24.09.2020 10:07:42] Unmistakable: I sence the light news a new place to call home buts

[24.09.2020 10:07:54] Unmistakable: not news.. needs.. *correction they said*

[24.09.2020 10:08:01] Unmistakable: needs a new home

[24.09.2020 10:08:32] Unmistakable: I need to ask something before i leave, before i start to feel suspicious around the darklins networks

[24.09.2020 10:08:47] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***..."arrival" is comming, and "darklings" will "comply", or... they will be "purged" in their "metal jackets"...***

[24.09.2020 10:09:08] Unmistakable: I do comply since I mean no harm to the light

[24.09.2020 10:09:11] Unmistakable: and their elders

[24.09.2020 10:09:40] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-ours- have answers, we listen -yours- one...***

[24.09.2020 10:10:23] Unmistakable: strange as it sounds, do you know if we , me and the elders of the great race will come friends?

[24.09.2020 10:10:54] Unmistakable: If we need to met up me and the elders, I be happy to come when I can cause, I always watch where I go into, cause never know I

[24.09.2020 10:10:59] Unmistakable: be followed by a metal skin

[24.09.2020 10:11:14] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-ours- havent "friends", "friendship" makes -yours- weak...***

[24.09.2020 10:11:45] Unmistakable: yes, does make me weak, but would I be that weak to spill information from my friends to the darklins?

[24.09.2020 10:12:40] Unmistakable: no, I won't but im sure me and the elders will try make a deal that shows im friends with the light, in exchange of information

[24.09.2020 10:12:48] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-yours- one, know "darklings" Elders?...***

[24.09.2020 10:12:58] Unmistakable: I could seek to hand over to make the Light stronger then the dark could imagine

[24.09.2020 10:13:17] Unmistakable: I don't personally sadly, but i heard voices from them and they didn't tell me who they are

[24.09.2020 10:13:43] Unmistakable: but told me come one yet keep it hidden from those darklins and that is all

[24.09.2020 10:15:04] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-yours- one can't help -ours- now, because -ours- dont need -yours- help...***

[24.09.2020 10:15:29] Unmistakable: i understand, but you know you can contract me anytime if need to talk

[24.09.2020 10:15:38] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-ours- know -yours- one now, -ours- will find -yours- one, when it needed...***

[24.09.2020 10:15:50] Unmistakable: right

[24.09.2020 10:16:03] Unmistakable: just do me a favor if you come to me in force..

[24.09.2020 10:16:09] Unmistakable: don't get seen

[24.09.2020 10:16:32] Unmistakable: or mention me when im with the darklins

[24.09.2020 10:16:51] Unmistakable: just send thru my head and I try find a exerise to come seek am wanted for

[24.09.2020 10:17:02] Unmistakable: anywho.. I better get going

[24.09.2020 10:17:09] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-yours- one dare to threat -ours-...(amazed)***

[24.09.2020 10:17:23] Unmistakable: no no i dont dare to threat the light

[24.09.2020 10:17:31] Unmistakable: in violence that is

[24.09.2020 10:17:37] Death: Titan-1 suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).

[24.09.2020 10:18:02] Unmistakable: but is there something you want me for before i go?

[24.09.2020 10:18:16] Unmistakable: cause i dont think you has anything on top my mind

[24.09.2020 10:18:36] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...the "darklings" wil see -ours-, the will see the -light-, and they will know that -yours- one deserved to "touch" the...*

[24.09.2020 10:19:04] Unmistakable: yes but when the time comes, it will tell me its ready

[24.09.2020 10:19:10] Unmistakable: till then, im not sure

[24.09.2020 10:19:20] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...the -light-, -yours- one will become a "god" for them, if they see -yours- one with -ours-...***

[24.09.2020 10:20:02] Unmistakable: indeed, aldou im already with another group of light energy, but im sure they not at war with your light

[24.09.2020 10:20:18] Unmistakable: cause they has common enemy and friends as your light sees

[24.09.2020 10:20:43] Unmistakable: or should i say, your community

[24.09.2020 10:20:55] Unmistakable: which I must admit, both are beautiful

[24.09.2020 10:20:57] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...who not "comply", will be "purged+ in the -void-, -yours- one havent reasons to worry about...***

[24.09.2020 10:21:21] Unmistakable: im sure i wont ever dis obey the comply order

[24.09.2020 10:21:40] Death: Zungo was put out of action by ZepklaS (Gun).

[24.09.2020 10:22:35] K'Hara|O'tur'katuk: ***...-ours- will "find" -yours- one, when it needed. -yours- one, deserve...***

[24.09.2020 10:22:41] Unmistakable: understood