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Ash Falthion

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Ash Falthion
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Origin Freeport 4 IMG Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Occupation 42nd Order Recon Intelligence officer, 30th Assault Squadron Commander
Affiliation The Order
Rank Commander
Born 17 March 792 A.S., Freeport 4
Died M.I.A. around 12-23-817 A.S. Returned to service 5-14-818 A.S. Lives to this day


Humble Beginnings

Ash began his life in a situation rather apart from his present one. After being born to a Bretonian mother by the name of Wylanda Falthion and Freelancing father Ignus Falthion, of no major house origin, Ash was initially put to work as a cargo loader on Freeport 4. He was just turning eight at the time. Life was hard for a son of working-class parents. His mother moved cargo between the border worlds and the independent systems, and his father had a rather nebulous background - often disappearing for days to weeks at a time without much notice. Ash would later discover that his father was an independent contact for The Order, holding the rank of Ship Captain in the Primary Fleet. One could say that being a member of The Order was quite literally in his blood.

After his short stint as a dock worker, Ash was moved to South Shields Refinery to work under a taskmaster doing mineral processing. He would help to refine the loads of raw ore that came in from sectors around, and then in turn, move the refined and smelted ore back onto another hauler for resale. The work was dirty and harsh on the body, but Ash became physically hardened by this line of work, and thoroughly loved the camaraderie that developed from working such a taxing job with similar souls.

The Life of a Grunt

Once finished with his civil service period, he was conscripted into the Bretonian Military as a Weapons Specialist, after initial Technical School training and evaluations took place. A year into this job, a little less green around the ears, and aged to twelve years, Ash submitted a request to become a pilot once he was of age. One year later and fully qualified by the medical examiner, he began simulator training. Two years of training proved sufficient for him to begin escort duty, despite having failed his Advanced Marksmanship class once. Ash's first introduction to combat came when Molly Pirates laid siege to a freighter full of commodities, headed for New London from Edinburgh. Ash luckily fought them off and was awarded a medal, in addition to being promoted to sergeant - he was fifteen at the time. At sixteen, he was transferred to the 9th Combat Patrol Group with a good service record, and promoted to First Sergeant. At eighteen he was honorably discharged from the Bretonian Military, after having re-enlisted twice. He knew that there was more to the world outside of Bretonia, so he purchased a Combat Service Vehicle (CSV) from the Junkers on Trafalgar Base, New London, after making contact with them via short-wave communications, and began his new life - despite the pleas of his mother to do otherwise - in service to them.

New Horizons

The life as a Junker was interesting; difficult in different aspects, but always interesting. The Military and Police within Bretonia did not really care for them, and after several 'heated' encounters, Ash said goodbye to his mother, and headed into the Inner Worlds, in search of further adventure and the possibility of finding his father, Ignus Falthion. As he worked his way into becoming a full-fledged Freelancer, providing escort and carrying cargo temporarily for various corporations, Ash found one facet of life he really loved - exploring. He could go on for hours at a time simply looking inside an asteroid field for something...different or unique. Something a normal passerby would miss without taking a closer inspection. One day this proved to be the turning point - and almost the undoing - of his life.

Das Wilde

Ash was making a cargo run to Leipzig Station in Dresden, a fringe system in Rheinland. He'd recently upgraded to a Combat Service Freighter (CSF) from the Junkers, having proved fairly efficient and capable in handling the CSV. Ash had finished his delivery, contacted the nearest Junker relay and told them of his successful trip. He was then authorized for R&R back in Rheinland territory, and he had initially planned to go to Stuttgart and then Hamburg, for he had only ever passed through those systems, or stopped at stations for repair and resupply. Something had decided this was not to be....Ash ran afoul a member of the insidious Das Wilde as he was making his way back to the New Berlin Jump Gate. The Trade Lane collapsed, and Ash panicked, seeing a strange tentacle-enshrouded vessel floating before him. Strange sounds issued from it, he punched the thruster and sped past it. He would later understand that it was a Scorpion gunboat, and was apparently extremely lucky that it was a young human/nomad morph, just learning to communicate and identify its surroundings, else he surely would have become either space dust, or another infectee. Ash vowed that he never wanted to feel so defenseless again, and decided to head to the Edge Worlds in search of a mentor to train him in the ways of advanced combat techniques.

Flare, Ophidian, and The Order

Ash scoured the sectors after finding a way through to Sigma-13 from Frankfurt. He asked around in the area and found that there was a Luxury Liner stationed in Sigma-19, which often attracted unscrupulous, notorious, note-worthy, and well-off people. He figured that amongst them, a high chance existed that he could find someone to teach him. Luck once again struck in a strange way. Rather than a mentor, Ash found a friend in the Freelancer Flare. Mr. Flare, after talking with Ash for several hours just off of Atka Research Station, led him to Omicron Theta, where Ash was brought to Freeport 9, a hub of the Edge Worlds. Flare told Ash of a contact named Ophidian, and that he was going to put in a good word for him. Ash waited for three days, when Ophidian personally found him and they went off to a private meeting room to become acquainted with one another. Ophidian was intrigued by Ash's desire to fight these 'aliens', and now that he knew something about them - Ophidian figured - there was no turning back for the lad. Ash was introduced to the ideals and goals of The Order, to which, after evaluating, he clung steadfastly to. Ophidian had him undergo some combat training evaluations, and Ash was allowed in as a Recruit, eventually exchanging his X-Shuttle for a Nephthys - a formidable and significantly more agile craft.

Ash would then work as a recruit for the next two weeks, eventually being inducted into The Order. He then ran into Captain Meredith Savoy while on his first tour into Omicron-100, the Order Guard system. Captain Savoy, taking a look at his [1]Curriculum Vitae