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Freeport XXI

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Revision as of 11:47, 15 August 2012 by Duvelske (talk | contribs)
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BlueWarningTriangle.png This article pertains to a player base which has been destroyed and thus no longer exists in-game.
Freeport XXI
Core Level 4 Base
Freeport XXI.jpg
Richard Cole
F 3/4 (in front of Kyushu gate), Tau-29
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Restricted
Amenities Yes
Crew 1K
Supported and maintained by the Temporary Autonomous Zoners

It started all when Richard Cole found a construction ship. He then decided to construct his base, as he was a Temporary Autonomous Zoner and wanted to spread the word from the goddess Eris. This pointed him to the Tau 29 system towards the point where he had build the base - little did he know about the systems surrounding it. For him it felt like home, so he started to construct it. He hired some haulers to supply the base fast to get the defense systems up and running.

Then suddenly the base got attacked by Kusari Naval Forces. As it was in front of their system gate Kyushu. Because the base was a Freeport the Kusari Naval Forces believed that it would be a great spot for unlawfuls to hide from the law. From this point Richard Cole made the decision to restrict the access to the base just to trusted suppliers and defenders of the Freeport.

Then the hope was there to let it be a Freeport for all to dock on and trade for everyone. And show the people the light of their goddess Eris.

As the base came under fire from both KNF and GRN. for reasons wich where not entirely straigt. But Richard Cole decided for himself to let it be. as he was really mad how they destroyed his home. As well as some other zoners. But he wanted to learn from it. So he decided to take a leave of absence and wait for a sign of Eris what to do. Till that time the future of a new Freeport XXI is not certain yet. Maybe its forever destroyed, maybe not.

The Base was administrated by Temporary Autonomous Zoners.

