Norman O'Connor

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Norman O'Connor
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Occupation Liberty Security Force Agent (recently applied for the Primary Division)
Affiliation Liberty Security Force
LSF Agent 817 A.S. (served in the Navy since 808 A.S.)
Rank AiT (Agent in Training)
Born October 22nd, 790 A.S., Planet Los Angeles

Norman O'Connor is a former Navy officer who currently is passing the LSF AiT training programme.

The family and the early years

Norman was born on the planet Los Angeles, California system, on the 22nd of October, 790 A.S. His father Jack O'Connor was one of the officers of the LPI, and his mother Emilie Stewart was working for Ageira Technologies. Norman spent his entire childhood near the starport. When O'Connor was 14, his father started to teach him flying smaller craft, and after a couple years of practice Norman colud the ship good enough to acquire pilot's license. At the age of 18 he decided to join the Liberty Navy. Thus he could serve his country and not to follow his father's footsteps. Maybe he wanted to prove that he could ahcieve something on his own. Perhaps we shall never know it.

The training in the Liberty Navy

Once Norman joined the Liberty Navy, he had to pass a course of intensive trainings, including ground melee and ranged combat, zero-gravity combat, etc. He also passed advanced West Point Military Academy flying training. That allowed him to acquire a ship of his own, the Executioner VHF. After several successful flights he was promoted and got officer rank. After several operations as an officer he decided to enter additional courses in order to apply apply for a position on a capital vessel of the Navy. At those training courses he met several people, who would become his friends later: Brian Scott and Kyle Cross. They all passed their final tests successfully and were accepted to serve onboard LNS-Guardian of Justice.

LNS-Guard of Justice

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Current status: Decommissioned

The LSF Secondary Division

The "Guardian of Justice" was one of the most shadowy projects of the Liberty Government. Nobody knows the true reason for the decomissioning of that ship. Whatever the reason was, the crew splitted up. Some people continued to serve in the Navy, others decided to quit (of course, they had to sign "non-disclosure agreements"). The last group consisted of people, who moved to the different branches of the Liberty Armed Forces. Norman O'Connor and Brian Scott were one of those who joined the LSF. Their Navy training helped them a lot, since the programme met almost all the LSF's requirements. They started working together, but after one of the assignments Brian Scott was declared M.I.A. That's why O'Connor had to work alone for some time.

During his Secondary Division work he managed to participate in several Primary Division operations. The first operation was a deep reconnaissance raid led by "Hansen", the agent of the Primary Division. Anna 'Cookie' Lee (currently in the LMC) also participated. Unfortunately for O'Connor, the raid ended up with his Guardian's engines overheating. The ship's self destruction system was activated, and O'Connor returned from Munich to Liberty in the escape pod (transfered in the cargo hold of another ship).

Further operations were more successful, although many reports are now classified.

For some time O'Connor was in charge of LSF-RV-Phoenix, the Liberty Security Force Research Vessel. Once he was accepted as AiT, he handed the command rights to Ashley Sunderland, who is rumoured to be too hot-blooded for this position. However, this project was never fully supervised by O'Connor. For all the time "the Overseer" monitored the status of the vessel. Nobody knows who "the Overseer" is, but he definitely has some ties within the Liberty Government.

The Primary Division

O'Connor applied for the Primary Division and got accepted as AiT. That was only the beginning of the true LSF work. At his second flight Norman got into some real trouble. He encountered a man who believed he was the Embassador of Slomon K'Hara. Although at first Norman considered him just another madman, he started doubting it when the "madman" led him to the Nomad Mindnode located in California. Attempt to destroy it on one's own would be a certain death for sure. But O'Connor wasn't alone. He managed to bring some reinforcements to California, and the final confrontation took place near the system's sun. O'Connor made it out alive, but after that encounter he often uses painkillers (he suffers from constant headaches, caused by the nomads' attempt to brainwash him). Some people say that he had been sedative-addicted before that, but no one can prove it. The rumours of him being cardamine-addicted also have no soil.


Although O'Connor is quite new to the Primary Division, he is already surrounded by the aura of rumours. Some of those are stated here.

First of all, it is not known, why O'Connor decided to leave the Navy, since all the data on his last on his last operation in the Navy is classified.

Secondly, Norman might have ties to the Order, since his friend Brian Scott, although declared M.I.A., was seen in the Omicrons. Furthermore, there was an attempt to hack O'Connor's terminal, and it is believed that Scott was behind it. Another old friend of his, Kyle Cross, is a freelancer on the run. Once he was on the Liberty Bounty Board for treason, and he is currently wanted by the LSF.

Thirdly, some people claim that O'Connor was successfully brainwashed by the Mindnode when the California operation was carried out. Norman did not engage the nomads most of the time, and that gave a soil for speculations among those who participated.

Also, O'Connor's addiction. Some people claim he became sedative-addicted or even cardamine-addicted right after he joined the Secondary Division. But most of those rumours say that he got addicted only after his California operation.

Another rumour is connected to O'Connor's fast acception to the Primary Division. They say it took only 8 hours to accept his application, although the LSF tries to conceal it now. That caused some speculations among the other agents that O'Connor has some powerful benefactors, probably since the time of his West Point trainings. The crew of RV-Phoenix believe that's the Overseer's work.

Traits of character

O'Connor is one of those who prefers peaceful solutions, although he understands that sometimes agressive measures must be taken. He's not the one to engage the enemy on sight. But unless the diplomatic solution is available, he will not hesitate to go to "more agressive" negotiations. He is usually fair-minded and has his own point of view about "military honor". E.g., he doesn't engage the enemy if someone is already engaged and the odds are even. He usually remains calm and level-headed, although there are some exceptional cases.