CD98a "Mosquito" Cruise Disruptor Launcher

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Mosquito Cruise Disruptor
Li rad launcher.png
Missile Launcher
Owner Faction Civilian
Weapon Class [[Cruise Disruptor]]
Cargo Space 0
Launcher Hit-Points 8,750
Launcher Price 192,000


Missile Price 2,000
ammunition image

Mosquito Cruise Disruptor is a further improvement of Hornet. Lacking increased disruptor range and speed of the Train Cruise Disruptor, Mosquito provides excellent homing capabilities and increased detonation distance in exchange, making this CD a preferred choice for pilots who are not used to losing space fights, and not used to letting their prey flee.

  • Requires Mosquito Missile

Weapon Stats

  • Hull Damage: 255 /round (255 /sec)
  • Energy Damage: 127 /round (127 /sec)
  • Refire Rate: 1.00 /sec
  • Power Usage: 0 u/round (0 u/sec)
  • Damage Type: Direct

Missile Stats

  • Seek Range: 1,600 meters
  • Thrust Speed: 522 m/sec
  • Lifetime: 3.00 seconds
  • Travel Range: 1,566 meters
  • Turn Rate: 555.77 deg/sec (9.7 rad/sec)
  • Hit-Points: 2

Explosion Stats

  • Explosion Radius: 250 meters
  • Detonation Range: 15 meters

Buy/Sell Locations

The following bases are known to carry this item, although sales may be restricted to pilots with a high positive reputation.

[[Category:Cruise Disruptor]]