Battlecruiser Lehigh

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Battlecruiser Lehigh
Interdictor class Station
Pic Needed.jpg
Liberty Navy
F6, Pennsylvania
Technical Data
Gravity Limited
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Limited
Crew Classified

Battlecruiser Lehigh was constructed to assist in the war against Rheinland, initially planned to be a member of a second spearhead assualt into Bremen. The Lehigh thus has the latest in armaments and defensive capabilities, and it is one of the newer vessels of the Liberty Security Force's capital fleet.

With the war coming to close prior to the Lehigh leaving drydock, the Liberty Security Force has authorized its use in the Pennsylvania system. It currently looms the lower half of Pennsylvania, often between Planet Tremont and Planet Hallam, in order to monitor increasing unlawful activity in the area.