Kusari Heavy Transport

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(Redirected from Akegata)

Samura-Kishiro K70j "Akegata" Kusarian Container Transport
Dsy container transport.png
Basic Information
Ship Class Heavy Transport
Built By Unknown
Tech Column Kusari Civilian
Guns/Turrets 0 / 16
Max Weapon Class 1
Other Equipment
Hull Strength 184,000
Max Shield Class 6
Cargo Space 4,100 units
Batteries 400
Nanobots 400
Speed and Movement
Max Impulse Speed 90 m/s
Max Turn Speed 11.46 deg/s
Max Thrust Speed 150 m/s
Max Cruise Speed 350 m/s
Power Output 90,000 u
Power Recharge 7,500 u/s
Ship Price 1,000,000
Package Price 1,006,006

A rare, joint project between Samura and Kishiro, the Akegata Transport was ordered to be produced by the Emperor as a way to push both companies to improve relations, and to develop standardized parts. The Emperor's plan was to have each company bring the best of its skills to the project, developing a Kusari transport that would ensure the protection of the economic interests of Kusari. Samura used it's expertise to develop the engines, hull, and superstructure, while Kishiro developed the state of the art scanning equipment and power plant. The Akegata class is the product of the collaboration of the best minds Kusari has to offer. The Emperor was so impressed by the success of the project he ordered the K7:P-19F "Drone" Kusari Freighter to be produced in the same way.


  • This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.
  • Max Turn Rate: 11.46°
  • Time to Max Turn: 1.47s
  • Time to turn 180°: 15.92s
  • Maximum Strafe Speed: 16.67m/s
  • Distance Strafed in 0.5s: 2.48m


  • 16x Transport Turret
  • 1x Transport Shield
  • 1x Hyperspace Beacon
  • 1x Thruster
  • 1x Hyperspace Navigator
  • 1x Docking Bay

Purchase Includes

  • A-J17 Engine Mk II ($1)
  • Ageira Mark IIc Fusion Reactor ($0)
  • Scanner ($5)
  • Light Transport Graviton Shield ($6,000)


Base Owner System Region
Kinkaku-ji Station Golden Chrysanthemums Shikoku Kusari
Yukawa Shipyard Kishiro Technologies Honshu Kusari
Kure Drydock Kusari Naval Forces New Tokyo Kusari

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:39 UTC