Gallic Destroyer

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(Redirected from Triumph)

"Triumph" Gallic Destroyer
Dsy gallicdd.png
Basic Information
Ship Class Cruiser
Built By Unknown
Tech Column Gallia Lawful Capital Ships
Guns/Turrets 0 / 11
Max Weapon Class 8
Other Equipment
  • 1xCD/T
  • 1xCM
  • Hull Strength 825,000
    Max Shield Class 3
    Cargo Space 700 units
    Batteries 975
    Nanobots 0
    Speed and Movement
    Max Impulse Speed 120 m/s
    Max Turn Speed 20.56 deg/s
    Max Thrust Speed 128 m/s
    Max Cruise Speed 500 m/s
    Power Output 800,000 u
    Power Recharge 42,000 u/s
    Ship Price 2,565,000
    Package Price 2,657,900

    Formally devised to provide aerial support within the atmosphere and below, where larger warships could not. The Triumph is a VTOL-capable, bona-fide troop transport. It performs just as well in space, designated as a picket destroyer and escort vessel. A devastating beam gun is hull-integrated to further compliment its capabilities.

    However, the destroyer is a terrifying symbol of Gallia's past tyranny, with the Sirian population scorning it for many centuries to come.


    • This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.
    • Max Turn Rate: 20.56°
    • Time to Max Turn: 3.96s
    • Time to turn 180°: 9.33s
    • Maximum Strafe Speed: 44.64m/s
    • Distance Strafed in 2s: 38.95m
    • Components
    • Engine
    • Armor: 200000
    • Explosion Resistance: 75%
    • Destruction Damage: 400000


    • 1x Cruiser Turret - Defense
    • 2x Cruiser Turret - Heavy
    • 8x Cruiser Turret - Standard
    • 1x Cruiser Shield
    • 1x Hyperspace Beacon
    • 2x Thruster
    • 1x Countermeasure
    • 1x Cruise Disruptor
    • 2x Hyperspace Navigator

    Purchase Includes

    • Kusari Destroyer Eng ($0)
    • CT-PB Capital Ship Thruster ($32,900)
    • Ageira Mark IIc Fusion Reactor ($0)
    • Advanced Deep Scanner ($10,000)
    • Cruiser Graviton Shield ($50,000)


    Base Owner System Region
    Rambouillet Shipyard Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia

    NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:41 UTC