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"Hercules" Civilian Base Construction Platform
Ship Class
Built by
Technical information
0 / 5
Opt. weapon class
Max. weapon class
Other equipment
Hull strength
Max. shield class
Cargo space
750 units
Max. impulse speed
80 m/s
Max. thrust speed
140 m/s
Max. cruise speed
350 m/s
Power output
30,000 u
Power recharge
3,000 u/s
Additional information
Ship price
Package price
DSCore: Hercules
The Base Construction Platform contains specialist nano manufacturing and assembly equipment to construct and deploy the core components of a base. To construct a base, Polymers, industrial goods, Basic and Super Alloys, Optronics, Cryocubes and Nuclear Devices are required. Once the base core is deployed conventional base construction using personnel on board the base can begin.
- This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.
[show]Review without version number
The Heavy Lifter is a straight honest up front ship. It does what is says on the can and its function falls right in line with it. There's not much to be said about this freighter apart from the fact it has magnificent handling, a disappointing cargo hold for its size and an expected number of turret mounts for a ship of its design. This ship was not designed for trading but for "Moving cargo of all types between transports, trains and bases". So basically it's a ship designed for loading and unloading transports and trains, that's when they reach their mooring points. So sadly it can't do much else, but it is designed for companies that would require such a vessel.
To sweeten the deal, five Type 4 Transport Turrets are thrown in for you to mount onto it, this is probably a promotional factor to draw the attention away from its low 750 cargo hold, but is a pro nonetheless. This ship was only meant for heavy shipping industries that would find themselves needing it, so only factions such as DSE, Daumann, Samura, Kishiro, Ageira, BMM, EFL, IDF, The GMG and possibly Kruger and the IMG. I strictly advise you don’t use this ship for trading or shipping of any kind, it was never designed for that and by doing so will probably raise a few eyebrows as well as the price of it’s warranty. I can see it being used for short distance trading however, for small profits. It’s a ship of few functions, but that doesn't mean it's useless. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by Chad Jones
RP Use
[show]Review without version number
While seemingly useless, this ship is very good for certain 'odd' RP restrictions within Discovery. Zoners will find this very useful to get around the Zoner Guard ID docking restrictions that prevent any Zoner Guard IDd ship from docking within house space. Bring one along with a repair ship and a few Zoner whales, and assorted escorts, and you can trade with house space at will, just use the lifter to transfer cargo. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by Mudd
Purchase Includes
[show]Spoiler: Buying Locations