Minified Spyglass Scanner

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Minified Spyglass Scanner
Scanner bs.png
Price 250,000,000

This newly-refined scanning system is a heavily modified variant of the Spyglass system originally developed by Liberty for an experimental electronic warfare battleship. A few prototypes of a compact variant of the scanner were produced by the Lane Hackers early on, while they were still operating their own Spyglass vessel, but the project was frozen when the far more efficient Spyglass Network Scanner was developed. Recently however, it was decided that there could be a market for a very powerful scanner without giving away the top secret Spyglass Network technology. The old compact Spyglass project was revived and updated with the Hackers' most modern technology, creating a system far superior to, but also vastly more expensive than conventional scanners, sold openly on the black and grey markets to those who can afford such a luxury.

Scanner Stats

  • Ship Scan Range: 15,000 meters
  • Cargo scan range: 6,000 meters

Buy/Sell Locations

The following bases are known to carry this item, although sales may be restricted to pilots with a high positive reputation.