Blood Dragon Guard ID

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Pilot carrying this ID is a Blood Dragon Guard, who:

  • Can only pirate in a gunboat or smaller (cruisers and battleships may demand allied pilots only)
  • Can demand credits or cargo from traders and unallied smugglers or factions
  • Can engage pirates, terrorists and lawfuls within Kusari and Sigma systems
  • Can destroy on sight any ships carrying a non-allied ID within the Chugoku system
  • Can escort smugglers
  • Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
  • Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for GMG
  • Cannot attack GMG or Kishiro

Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships

Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime. Your faction tag must match ID wherever possible.
