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BlueWarningTriangle.png A lot of these system pages are outdated, Space's nav map may be better.
Omega-54 System

The Omega-54 system is a Border World controlled primarily by the Red Hessians.

System Navmaps

System Overview

Local factions

None known


None known


Red Hessians

Planet Giessen
Planet Odense
Planet Wiesbaden

None known


None known

Areas of Interest

Asteroid Fields & Nebulae

Schutznebel Nebula


Meaning literally "protective fog", the Schutznebel is a large, dense cloud of gases characteristic to the deep confines of the Walker Nebula. It acts as a natural barrier against prying eyes, and any hostiles entering from the Omega-11 jump hole frequently find themselves destroyed or disabled by the automated defences or frequent fighter patrols, before they manage to exit the cloud itself.

The Dust Field that surrounds Omega-54's Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf Dust Field

Unknown object. No data available.

Odenwald Lava Field

Odenwald Lava Field

Odenwald is a large asteroid field occupying the northern reaches of the Omega-54 system. This field is one of the primary sources of metals for the Red Hessains, with several commandeered Daumann asteroid miners toiling away inside of it to provide a constant influx of resources used to build new ships. Several mined out areas in the Odenwald have been reappropriated for hazardous training fields for fighter pilots.

Taunus Lava Field

Taunus is a medium sized asteroid belt in the southern part of the Omega-54 system. It is confirmed to contain major amounts of metals, just like the Odenwald belt, however no mining operations of any kind have been established inside of it yet.

Jump Holes