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Full Version: To: Jeanne de Clisson
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***Incoming transmission***
From: The Dread Pirate Roberts, {x}Cpt.Morgan's.Revenge
To: Jeanne de Clisson, {x}Lioness.of.Brittany
Encryption: Tighter than ye might think.
Priority: It be pretty important.
As ye been requestin', I've been takin' the liberty o' preservin' any o' the royal scum ye been longin' fer. Here's a picture o' me hold, t' prove t' ye. The boys been tellin' me that maybe one 'er two died, apparently some pilots who needed "food" or somethin' 'long those lines... Bunch of sissies, if ye ask me. Now, ye just be tellin' me where t' drop these here scurvy dogs off, and they be all yours.


***End transmission***
[Image: G2KawZR.png]
[Image: rvAuKQI.png]

:::Live Feed Enabled:::

Ah Monsieur Roberts

A pleasure as always my friend. I see you have done as I asked, and delivered those Royals to the Lionness. Merci. As far as some of them dying, well... I hope it was slow and painful.

Now, to those who were alive. They have been dealt with. Thankfully my sword was sharp enough to slice their pathetic heads from their bodies with ease. In their last act though, they made a mess of my bridge. But red does suit the decour, non?

Continue the hunt monsieur Roberts, and make sure to send a clear message to the Royals and those helping them: End their assistance to the Crown or have my sword taste their wretched blood. To everyone else who crosses the Black Fleet's path, do as you please.

Mmm, how I love a good smoke after killing... Don't you?

[Image: Wg30iCH.png]