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Full Version: Segway, shipping, service and beyond
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Having been the son of a trade route shipper my entire life and shown the ropes of the lanes by said father. It has always been this man's dream to one day run the routes of my father and continue in his legacy.

However, large shoes to fill that they are, one must start somewhere.

Not being one for starting slow and more inclined to a fast jump into things i've already started upon my routes transporting passengers from NY to Freeport 2 as well as Cali. However making money comes slow legitimately.

Seeing how fast the other side manages to make money through illegal means, one does wonder. Quickly finding out that this route does not go unpunished. Venting several loads of counterfeit software into space to the hard working liberty police showed me that honest hard work is nothing to be scoffed at.

Seeing the error in my ways has taken me back to more profitable legitimate trade routes. Currently my route has consisted of fast runs of luxury food from New London to NY. The faster i truck it the faster my credits climb. However, being a financially driven soul i have already seen that fast doesn't always get the job done when you have the Molly's or worse on your tail. Seeking to find myself a little more bang in my buck i'll be looking into a heavy fighter so that my cargo gets where its going.

Now that i've made a small amount of headway in my search for riches, and seeing that the trader ID doesnt really fit my bill, have looked into the possibility of freelancing as it befits my style better. However not wanting to do my father's shipping legacy injustice i think this is the route for me. Only time will tell.