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/ (This may open to posting in the future, if you're interested, ask)
// (Additionally, this thread will probably link in with a lot of characters who may not actually appear elsewhere, but at the same time, a lot of them probably also will, the two 'main' ones may be on the sideline for quite a while, however.)


//System alert

The ringing inside one's head was one of the first things remembered.
A painful, oscillating noise that rung out again and again, bright symbols on a screen, blurred by the liquid in the tank.

Painful muted swirling of sound. It was as if he could smell the vibrations in the air, like in a cartoon, where the smell would snake its way infront of one's face, but as sound and colour.

A mask covering most of the face. Breathing deep, slow. Or it seemed slow, time dragged out in his current state of consciousness, it was, infact, a frantic, heavy, labored breathing.

He could barely make her out.
On the other side of the sturdy glass barrier was a young woman, brilliant of mind, hurriedly pressing buttons and twisting gauges. Turning some up and some down down. Adjusting a meter of some sort with each snap of the dial.

//Subroutine corrupted
!Regeneration process halted

His consciousness faded.

Iris cursed, slamming a fist into the panel, sneering at the computer screen infront of her. The remote base, chiseled into a tiny asteroid somewhere noone could find her or the abominations created by her many experiments, went silent once more.

The girl looked like she was perpetually looking down on everything, even when angered. Dark, blue-green hair dangling in a mess around her. The long, ardous work had taken its toll on her normally elegant appearance.
She'd lost another one, another child and her chance of regaining 'him' was dwindling, she didn't have many tries left with the slowly degenerating material in the container.
Until she spotted it. His vitals were steady, but she couldn't do anything about it now, An unfinished husk she would have to work on later dangling, suspended a harness in the liquid.

The woman wanted the one thing that she felt anything for back, like a doting older sister.
Unfortunately the proceedure was growing stranger and stranger with each step, what was in the tank... no longer looked human. But it had his face, that, she could tell. Placing a hand against the cold tank. She showed sadness for a second, then brushed her hair back, and briskly walked out.

She would revive him, she owed it to him, just like he had helped her escape so long ago, she would help him live, one way or another.

An unhealthy obsession, to be sure.


His next memory was of waking, lying in a pool of shattered glass, goop and blood. His rapid growth in the tank had caused some particurlarily violent spazming to course through his nerves, breaking the glass.

She was there, that lady, fixing him up a moment later. He would finally, properly come to his senses in something other than a tank, but a bed.

Staring blankly up at the flashlight infront of his eye.
Something not quite right about the sight of the unmovable features of the woman, towering over the frail husk of a man mixed with.. something.
Like hatched out of an egg, he was aware of more than a newborn, but like a newborn, he recognized nothing for what it was. Except her. He'd been watching her for ages, seemingly as she orchestrated his body to a functionable state. What little instincts he had related her to something akin to a mother.

On the other hand, to her, he was the other kid from the program who had escaped with her and a few of the others way back from some undocumented, immoral program to "train" the best of the best.
She had to stop tending to him, the amount of syringes that had gone into her friend were putting a stain on his body, and the withdrawal symptoms were eating away at her again, her whole body shaking.

She had created a monster, but was too obsessed to realize he was something other than her old friend. And perhaps a little too young to understand the philosophy behind such a realization.

She had been only a teenager at best, at the time. Way back when she finally managed to bring him back, through the anger and depression and dizzyness lack of 'medicine' had brought to her.. She didn't even know which way to direct her anger.

In time, she would.
[Image: 2iszeht.jpg]

"Good morning"
The voice was familiar, but he couldn't understand what was being said.
Gin stared at Iris from under a mangled pillow.
The girl's odd hair always seemed to enchant him. Causing him to calm down a bit, and not shudder so much. Much less chew or claw the matress to distract himself from the pain.

The girl started changing his bandages, full of pus, blood and... gunk..
He was getting better, but, with each passing treatment, even the obsessed genius noticed he was resembling what she remembered less and less.

This wasn't who she owed her life.
She knew, deep down.
But it was also too late. Whatever he, IT, was, depended on her just to live past the next few days.
Once the infection in the sores were gone, at least.


It would be days before it could breathe without a machine by its own strength. More days, over a week, before the critter could stumble around. Closer to two weeks before it could drag itself specific places.

A month later, and Gin was able to walk, to some degree, an astonishing ability to recuperate, for sure. But for a long, long while yet, it seemed the poor creature would be bound to the equivalent of a wheelchair.

However, while Iris seemed to be a master of the sciences, she was cold, and weak, unable to quite take care of an energetic crippled abomination. Even just teaching Gin to make less guttural sounds and words in their place turned into relief once it started learning on its own, in an effort to make the one other being it knew about, it's caretaker, proud.

Soon, the two would manage to run an occational repair shack for less legal pilots, Iris was tech savvy, while Gin was just a sponge for learning how to do things with his hands.

But they were still just kids. Hardened, sure, but Iris was still a teenager, believing she was just a bit better than she was, enough to get in trouble.
And Gin was innocent, moreso caught awonder at most things than naive.

Combined with Iris's paranoia as a result of not knowing who'd kept her in that.. facility, as a child, that would in time cause trouble for the two of them...
[Image: r85mys.jpg]

"Just a weird kid with a mask"
He said, hoarsely, coughing and attempting to pull the welding kit and nanobox out of the cargo hold. Taking the time to briefly put his hands together and bow respectfully to the Kusari pilot that had stopped by to have his ship repaired.
Gin and Iris were currently working with an associate they'd met while running their little shack of a setup elsewhere. He'd offered them far more solid pay for working as extra hands in the repair section on Freeport 6.

The two youngsters couldn't really afford to turn down regular pay and a place to stay.
With the recent invasions into tau by Gallic forces, and their counterparts, space was just a little too hazardous for two brazen youngsters with minimal connections.
Even as plainly as he was dressed, the fact that it was just an oversize coat and a mask under the hood just kind of stood out to the more observant characters.

To Gin, it was uncomfortable every time, not only because he wasn't used to the attention, but also because speaking hurt. His lungs burned every time he tried to work his vocal chords, for some reason.
I remember what happened clearly that day.
But I will not tell her.
I will not tell her about being beaten for hours.
I will not mention being used as the butt of jokes.
Or as an "exotic" thing...

I will not.
I cannot.

He woke up with a start.
Realizing he was finally out of his daze.
Whatever they were drugging him with, he didn't like it.
He didn't like the hard mat.
He didn't like the cold floor.
He didn't like being barefoot.
He didn't like seeing colours his eyes couldn't percieve.
He didn't like heavy doors lying in the way of an escape.

He was broken.
Physically and mentally.
With but one refuge.
The memory of Iris.
The kusari pilot had been nosy.
Harmless curiosity, really.
But someone had eventually gotten word that a weird kid with a mask and crooked hands lived out in the borderwords.

The slave trade was one thing.
Always hungry for more, cheap blood.
But an exotic catch could fetch the price of an entire cargo's worth of high-end slaves.
Especially if it still looked mostly human.

He had spent the better part of what he could assume was a week being beaten senseless or threatened.
The taskmaster viewed this as some sort of potential for a masterwork.
That and Gin was proving difficult.

Slaves that were captured usually only needed to be held in place by shackles and threatened.
They thought they were going to a deal.
Corrupt police officers showed up.
Followed by slavers.
Iris was jailed and he was... whisked away

He was stubborn, sure.
But that wasn't why the taskmaster wanted him to obey even without orders.
He was gonna be perfect.
And sold for a suitable price.
Long ears and deep fingers had already made bids in the millions.
Tens of tens of millions for a single slave wouldn't be far fetched, once he was 'trained' rather than just subdued.

Gin was handsome in a way.
Small, but handsome.
And since he was missing his treatment it seemed his exoticness kept increasing each day.
Little by little he went from a curiosity. Short, a bit thin and lanky, to a more polished appearance.

He recognized why he had woken, footsteps.
He coughed a bit, hand seeking out his fractured rib. Meeting a bandage.
Gin would sit up, shaking a bit in time for the door to open.
He'd learned just enough to recognize the shivers as withdrawal.
They had managed to get him to 'stand' right to the slavers' likings.


Physically he was nothing unique aside from the exotic growths.
He was neither masculine nor feminine.
With a slightly long, round, soft face.
Long, messy hair.
Thin, if a little malnourished, but carrying a sort of natural elegance to him.
You couldn't tell when he was slumped forward on his knees, shivering with withdrawal and dripping with some sort of mucus from his nose.
He looked repulsive after a few days of rough treatment and no showers.

Gin glanced up.
It was unusual for them to stay that long and not say or do anything.
And he was a little too hungry to catch on right away.

Before he knew what was happening, he was stumbling into a shower.
Next, he was being combed, even the odd patches of white, hard skin were being polished, by tender hands. His hands twitching a bit as thick nails were being cut.
Though they were more like claws, in his respect.
His long, weird ears were being cleaned of wax, his head held still for the duration.
And his sharp teeth were being tended to.
The whole ordeal took quite a while.
Before he found himself dressed in a plain robe and pushed down into a chair.
Infront of food.
And the captain.
A quiet, scarred lady who looked like she was sneering constantly.
Accompanied by a man who looked much older than his age.
Standing dilligently at her side.
Some sort of bodyguard-butler from the looks of him.

Gin swallowed a bit nervously as he was told to eat.
Then he dug in.