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Full Version: To: ''.:j:. TAZ OSI IMG IND'' from: MD Mining Company
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Incoming Transmission : Blocked
Comm ID: MD Mining Company
Transmission Destination: .:j:. TAZ OSI IMG IND
Decrypting Transmission


Message Begins


After almost a year of reconstruction, I am glad to say that the MD Mining Company is up and running again. We are already are setting up our operation in the Taus and are encouraging our old clients to bring transports around whenever they see us there.

For the groups specified in the transmission subject, we are offering a special price of 4 000$ per metric ton, which is 12% less than we offer to independent haulers.

If you are interested, we can also set up a S.K.Y.P.E protocol channel for coordinating and stocking up on ore. Please reply to this transmission as soon as you can.


Andrew Ommertan
Client Management Department

Message Ends
[Image: ambassadorsoffice.png]

*Incoming Transmission*
Comm ID: Mad John Rackham
Location: Ambassador's Office, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin System
To: Andrew Ommertan

Righty! The TAZ are interested...! Never ones to turn down the sound of coin rattling profit!

Our boy's and gal's will be pleased ta help yer enterprise.. Agreed, a S.K.Y.P.E jobby would come in hand for this, in the interests of discordination.

Could be good!

Hail Eris!
Incoming Transmission : Blocked
Comm ID: MD Mining Company
Transmission Destination: .:j:. TAZ OSI IMG IND
Decrypting Transmission


Hello sir,

You can call me Larzac, delegate of the junker congress for this operation.

We find your offer really interesting but we would like more information about which kind of ore do you sell?

We can discuss of this operation here or you can send me an invitation at your S.K.Y.P.E protocol channel. (//larzac37270)
