Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: To: Bretonia Government, Bretonia Lawfull Force, Rehiland Government , Rehiland Lawfu
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Incoming trasmission

Sender id : James Fox
Priority: High
Location: Freeport 1 Omega 3

There James Fox i think there is some problem i trasfer the my trasmission with one Bretonia Destroyer "Bonaventure". he open fire on my trasport why i refuse to drop my cargo ,but i refuse why if i remember the allumium ore is ont illegal i now ask a apologize of the Bretonia Destroyer and a refund of my cargo 2940 of allumium ore
thats is the data i storage in my escape pod.
Ah i send also to rehiland Governament why is better also they know what happen

ITrasmission Ended
- Incoming Transmission -

-= Low Encryption =-

Priority: Low
To: James Fox
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: Southampton Shipyard, New London System
Subject: Reply

[Image: eaps.png]
"Good evening.
Well... Firstly, the vessel is not a destroyer, but only a gunboat. Secondly, the pilot doesn't serve Bretonia, but is only a pirate flying a ship stolen from us. And thirdly, Bretonia won't refund your cargo as its loss wasn't our responsibility.
I am terribly sorry. We are doing the best we can, and we will catch and destroy the Bonaventure one day. Let's hope that will be soon.
Good bye. And good luck! Well, as good as it can be now..."

- Message Over -