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Speaker Vladimir Tinkerbell
Junker Congress

I regret the headstrong actions of a few Junkers that provoked the authorities. These Junkers were subsequently chased and their ships destroyed as they tried to flee pursuit by the authorities. I believe that is more than sufficient "justice". While it is only by the largest stretch of credulity that I accept bounty hunters as anything more than licensed prostitutes, when they are in the company of and responding directly to naval/police orders we must be tolerant.

Officer Stephanie Malign--in company of those hirelings--did indeed pursue ships to Beaumont today. As it happened--and it was purely coincidence--one of our newly commissioned ships was passing Beaumont on way to its station in Puerto Rico. I was unaware of the reasons for the pursuit but heard the Junker comms and had the vessel diverted to Beaumont , arriving just as they were destroyed. The bounty hunters were shooting a handful of minor rogue pilots in the area and I invited them to be elsewhere--while under the guns of Officer Malign. Officer Malign hesitated but when I explained I had several hundred Junkers on the station wanting to see payback she ordered the hunters to comply with my orders. I then invited her to leave and she did so.

It is regrettable that the actions of a few Junkers taint us all. Though we cannot know the full story it is enough to say that Junkers don't want, need or deserve the reputation of slavers, criminals and drug running smugglers that are so often laid at our doorstep. Often it is "decent traders" and corrupt lawfuls who lay such accusations against good Junkers to cover their own misdeeds. Still, we Junkers must be aware we bear a higher burden of proving trustworthiness--even if it is undeserved and unfair. We of the Congress are aware of this and make great attempts not to actively provoke the authorities with no cause.

I would suggest all Junkers remember our history and recall that there are only two sorts of Junkers: the smart and the dead. I also would caution house authorities that as they swing the door to law enforcement open to quasi-legal groups such as mercenaries and bounty hunters, their abuses will cause conflicts.

My condolences on the loss of the Junker vessels. The pilots were recovered alive and generally unharmed by my own crew and and their disabled ships brought in for refitting at Congress expense. I also caution the houses that in the troubled times of Sirius, Junkers must be allowed to operate with weapons and equipment needed in their travels. We operate in some of the most hostile environments in Sirius and must be able to provide for our own defense. The vast majority of Junkers are content to work on stations and pilot CSVs in the local salvage fields but many of us travel afar and have enemies abroad and at home that necessitate an effective armament.

Junkers should be careful to show the appearance of respect towards the law and authorities should be careful of trying to arbitrarily legislate Junker activities using spurious accusations and assumed prejudices as their justifications.

Let us all govern our selves accordingly.

Vladimir Tinkerbell