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Full Version: To: RHA | From: Vagrant Raiders
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=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Red cogs ==

[Image: Erasmas.png]

Greetings again, my Hessian friends! Here is part of the resources you requested to perform your admirable work of engineering. I believe there's some containers in excess, but I wanted to be sure you had everything you need; you never know what could go wrong during such complex works, sometimes materials get ruined and have to be replaced.

Of course, if at the end of the works there's still some excess materials, it's yours. We'll soon deliver the remaining supplies.

Erasmas de Shahrizai.

=== Transmission Ended ===
== Trace Failed ==
=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Blood diamonds are a girl's best friend ==

Good afternoon, relevant Hessian authorities.

Alice Woodsworth, captain of the transport Turn It On Again reporting in with the final shipment of goods needed for the project, plus some other stuff we "liberated" from passing Daumann freighters.

Hope it's all up to your standards.

Raider Woodsworth

=== Transmission Ended ===
== Trace Failed ==
Transmission established...
Source: Vogtland base, Dresden system
ID: Diplomat Gotthold Ludewig

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]

Guten tag, Raiders. I'm here to inform you, that Vogtland shipyard have received your deliveries and started to produce your ship. While initially we had some troubles, because last Hel-class cruiser descended from our conveyour 9 months ago, we've already finished frame. Take a look at it.

[Image: xbL6Hkfl.png]

Transmission terminated.