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The underlying problem is always the same. Nobody really "attacked" and held Liberty for an extended period of time, there where occasions, but many chose to avoid the n00b system. The way I see it is Liberty are not very clued up on pirate invasion, or sensing an attack coming. New York, is not equipped well enough for attack. Yet the player ratio in that system in peak hour usually turns out at sometimes three quarters of the server population.

Yet instead of boosting recruiting, pulling off some major RP stunt to get their turf back, they cry and get all agitated trying to find a rule we may have broken to kick us out or put us out of action for a few days.

My free advice to you guys is.

Put up a united front against the pirate 'fleet'.


-Get everyone involved, civilians are lawful too.

-Safety in numbers. Don't buzz around a cruiser or battleship hoping that the capital ship will "pwnzor
everything in its path."

-Get some tactical solutions going. Take a few repair ships into the midst of the battle and give your side a leg up.

-Train new pilots. Actually tell them how to fly, provide training and educational courses. There are RP opportunities here too, and you can make a pretty penny.

Make patrol patterns, seek and destroy pirates before they can group up, and constantly communicate.


I'm mainly taking to the LPI LSF and BHG here. I never see any of that, just talk on the forums.



: When we do take over for our aloted period of time, we try not to stay near the planet. But often, the battle is at the planet. In-fact, it would be benificial for the fight to be else were. But Liberty folk seem to like the little protection the planet and constant battleships pooring into the fight.
I was Eddy.Looper... the guy that lasted the longest, I believe. I think they said that they were just returning the LN a favor for all the times they had been met with overwhelming force. To which I reply: why take it out on me? I always come in a fighter unless there are enemy capital ships and no one else can deal with them, and I tell capital ships to back off from fights I'm in that have just fighters.
If you meant "Take it out on you" within RP, then the reason for that would be that LN and LPI are very close allies. To a pirate your all the same.

And every time I have fought within Liberty on the OutCast side, I have always faced at least 2 gunboats and a cruiser. If the fight continues and gets heavier. You can double that value. Not to mention those who think I won't notice them pulling the old switcheroo' exchanging their "dead" ship for a larger often capitalized ship in most cases.

As for stopping caps from interfering with fighter duels, well...For most its "Fat Chance!" Those who have any gentlemen like ways will keep the littlies until the other fish are down, but indies' go for whats easiest first, and have no regard for any of their allies/team mates. Concentrated on killing as many as they can for the reputation. Especially mercenaries.

And its so hard to argue with another ignorant player trying to explain decent engagement rules common sense and fair play when fighting a decent pilot.:sleep:
I must say, I led this raid beautifully. We annihilated an entire Liberty fleet, excepting the Providence, with only one loss on our side, a solitary Sabre. Great work, all of you that fought with me. You listened to orders splendidly - the Navy heavily outgunned us, but we out-fought them, and our tactics were sound. It struck me that both the Darkwing gunboats and the Liberty Navy capital vessels had little to no coordination.

However, the Providence, the flagship and leader of the Naval flotilla we destroyed, simply turning and running, abandoning Liberty in its hour of direst need? In my opinion, the dreadnought's commander ought to be removed from his post at the very least, if not dishonorably discharged.

All the same, though, good fight and excellent roleplay event. I made sure to have all traders we encountered pirated, too!

P.S.: Zapp is a good sport.
You lost two, Erythnul, and you lost the bet:PI got one after the server came back up.

And yeah 13cent, I fight Liberty a lot too. Ever heard of the HF? I chew up Liberty fleets for breakfast. And I meant 'take it out on my ooRP', not in RP, cuz I know why they would in RP:P
' Wrote:You lost two, Erythnul, and you lost the bet:PI got one after the server came back up.

Dangit! I hit the hay after the Naval fleet was routed, was too tired to keep playing. How much do I owe you?
Oh, yes, incidentally, I'm not surprised to find not even the slightest comment on yesterday's shattering LN defeat in their message dump. One would think they'd have the decency to report a loss of this size, at least.

Sigh, a message dump twenty times as large as hours, and yet full of lopsided, skewed accounts.
' Wrote:Ive seen this sort of thing happen quite a lot, i think a fair problem is the NPC's total ineptitude at doing anything to assist the lawfuls, the capital of a house should really be quite a fortress making pirates attack more realistic targets like smaller planets and stations. (adds a bit more flavour and realism)

Why couldn't we have house capital planets (and, for fairness, the unlawful capitals like Crete and Toledo) patrolled by NPCs equivalent in strength to those in guard systems, but with non-guard affiliation (ie ordinary Liberty Navy, for the example of NY). This would stop such OORP events as Outcast capital ship fleets orbiting Manhatten, and people pirating traders within 4k of the planetary docking ring when the house militaries aren't online (happens more in NB than Manhatten).
I was playing SP while this happened and missed out on all the fun.:(
I'd like to state that I specifically ensured that no pilot among my group was to fire a single shot at Planet Manhattan, and to abide near there only while in the process of heading to Fort Bush and Baltimore. I stated I would via system channels, but later admitted this to be a bluff to draw the Providence out of hiding. Anthony is no mass murderer, nor is he a terrorist - he wouldn't slaughter millions needlessly.

If, after I went to sleep, players from my group began hanging around Manhattan, I apologize - that's outside of my jurisdiction.
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