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Full Version: 7.0 Lyoko
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This document contains all current intel on the Lyoko Mk 7.0.

--- Basic Intel
Ship name: [AI]Canaan|7.0-Lyoko
Class: "Lyoko" Hathor Heavy Gunship

--- Weapons
3x "Xana's Wraith" Order gunship heavy turrets
2x "Xana's Revenge" Order heavy missile gunship turrets
2x "Xana's Shadow" Gunship EMP cannons
1x "Xana's Cannon" Gunship razor cannon

--- Equipment
Shield: "Tower" Gunship Positron Shield
Thruster: "Transfer" Capital ship thruster
Scanner: "Scanner" Battleship scanner. (Soon to be complete)
Armor: "Fortress" Capital Ship Armor Upgrade 8 (Soon to be complete)
Engine: "Codex" Border Worlds Class
Log 4.1

"My haunting memories are coming back to me...I went to the root of the problem..back to...what I would used to call home....home...funny name for a place that is all gone and destroyed...I would of shared my pitty for them but...I was part of I could not share it even if I wanted to....I remained in system...just yelling at the one was there listening to it was perfect..."

"I also took some recordings from ships that still had their black boxes intact.."

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Temporary end of log 4.1