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Full Version: To: Independent Researchers of Sirius
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***Incoming Transmission***

ID: Lukas Hagen

Greetings, my name is Lukas Hagen.
I am a Freelancer, I come from Rheinland. I have great interest in both exploring deep space and researching in known space, but I did not have the money for that until now. I piloted a transport vessel for some time until I had enough money to fund a new vessel and some help from someone with experience.
And that's what I request: I require some help from someone already established in research and exploration with getting the right contacts to open possibilities aswell as simply choosing a ship that is not too expensive while being able to carry the research equipment and supplies for missions in deep space.
To discuss these things and to introduce me into dangers and opportunities of this career I'd like to meet you in person at a location decided upon before.
Of couse, if you helped me, you will be paid aswell for your time and effort.

I hope you consider my request,
Lukas Hagen out.

***Transmission Terminated***
***Resending Transmission***
~Transmission Established~

"Greetings there! My name is Peter Lehmann, I've got your transmission and was realy interested as I'm a researcher and a little skilled in Rheinland engineering as I myself lived once in Rheinland but now am a Freelancer sticking around for some exploring. Well if you want we can meet at Freeport 5 in Omega-41 that's where I usualy am staying around, as I have my own quarter there. So then, tell me more about your ideas and goals!"
***Incoming Transmission***

ID: Lukas Hagen

Guten Tag, Mr Lehmann.
Thank you for answering my request. I would be honored to meet you at Freeport 5. I apologize for the slight delay, I must have somehow overlooked your message. Gonna set my course towards Freeport 5 now. Expect my arrival within the next days.
Lukas Hagen out.

***Transmission Terminated***