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Full Version: To: Office of the Kanzler / BDM HQ | From: Republican SA
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IDENTIFICATION: Republican Shipping Senior Advisor - Daniel Artura
SOURCE: Toruz City, Planet Stuttgart
COPY TO: Personal Datapad

I am contacting upon this channel due to the recent activities within the branch of Republican Shipping in which has been happening near Planet Holstein.

In the past several weeks, there have been multiple jumps from Planet Holstein into the remote reaches of Omicron Delta. While on the front, this appears to be a simple series of jump trades, I believe that the cargo in return is much much more hazardous to Rheinland in accord. Nomadic in nature.

May I remind you on what happened to our Fatherland the last time such was left unchecked. Therefore. I request for the executive order to have all Republican assets shut down, and for a mass scanning of all current Republican Personnel, including myself, vessels, and stations in case of the worst.

The effect of doing so on our economy with be noticable, but for the safety of our people, the cost is nothing to what we could loose.


Daniel Artura
Republican Shipping Senior Advisor