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Full Version: To: All Order friendly vessels in range
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===EMERGENCY BEACON, ID... Kernor. Primary fleet. ===

This is Kernor, calling anyone that can help... My fighter got shot... In Zeta... I am drifting now, from the cloud I can see I think I am somewhere close to Omicron Minor hole...

I do not have enough oxygen to last much longer...

Wait... is that... no,no no no no... NOOOOOO!


...the screen flickers and a burst of static tears from the audio system of Cerberus Research Vessel Boise......

"===EMERGENCY BEACON, ID... Kernor. Primary fleet. ===

This is Kernor, calling anyone that can help... My fighter got shot... In Zeta... I am drifting now, from the cloud I can see I think I am somewhere close to Omicron Minor hole...

I do not have enough oxygen to last much longer...

Wait... is that... no,no no no no... NOOOOOO!


".. can you verify that last message comms officer" barked Captain Kinnison

"Transferred to your screen, sir"...............................
"Did you manage to triangulate the position Comms" asked Kinnison, scratching his chin and wondering, was this another ship gone with no clues.

"Transmit the following on all frequencies,looped every two minutes Comms"

"Order Vessel identified as Kernor, Cerberus|RV-Boise is now on station and quatering the area in a standard search pattern, over."
:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Transmission Impending:::
:::Source: Wouldn'tYouLikeToKnow?:::

[Image: Storm-Catcher-1.jpg?imgmax=800]

Sender ID: "Daytona"


"Yup', he's a dead man. Tasking Sigma-three-Delta-Tango-Zaire Hercules to the target vector quantified. Under a heady escort. At a cautious velocity."

"Asbestos, my dear, you're cleared to lead the cleanup crew.

"After all, one must be stately when organising a salvage operation."

"I await your situational appraisal.

"Oh, and… Hail the Raven. As always."

:::Feed Out:::
Sender ID: "Asbestos"


An obviously well-endowed and apparently perplexed gentleman appears on the screen nervously biting his thumb

Oh no, no, no, no, no. That poor fellow. One does not simply wander through the omicrons without a proper ship. Actually... let me take a look... Hmm... Unbelievable! How could this man expect to make it through so harsh an environment with this pitiful pile of scrap-metal he dares call a ship. And would you take a look at that equipment?! This misfortunate individual must have been fairly daft if he was expecting to make it through these cursed reaches of space.

Since all this heavily damaged equipment is just floating oh-so-gracefully through space and, I dare say, no one else could find any practical use for it, might I be so lucky as to have the privilege of helping myself to the contents of this charred excuse for a shipwreck?

Oh! Now I see your transmission. Damn this broken transceiver! I must thank you for the "all-clear", dear sir. I shall proceed momentarily!

Incoming transmission:

Commander Johnson, Primary fleet

Umm, straight to the point. The Nile is nearby, I will be enroute for rescue, hold on tight.