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Full Version: What does the community want from a Brigand faction?
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I made a Gallic Brigand faction late last year and the feedback was positive from the community. The problem we ran into was the fact that there wasn't enough people in Gallia to meet and greet. I noticed that there is now a Gallic Royal Police faction along with some good activity from GMS from time to time. The only thing missing was an unlawful faction dedicated to Gallia. So the question is, does the community want a Brigand faction? If so what do you want from them? I really want Gallia to be a more active place and I feel an unlawful faction will complete the triad of traders, lawful and unlawful.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to listening to some ideas.
Something active that doesn't die within two weeks or three weeks really. There's also the good RP and stuff too I guess.

My opinion will differ from people who have interjection with previous Brigand Official faction(s) though.
Okay thanks for the feedback. The RP is a huge part of being a Brigand, I was thinking of describing them as dogs. They hunt in packs maybe. Complete thugs overall just interested in the money. For it not to die within a few weeks, one there needs to be people in the faction. If that doesn't happen then I suppose I'll have to abandon the faction until a later date. Two Gallia needs a good old shrinking, obviously that's not going to happen over night but it will definitely help activity in Gallia making it easier to navigate.
In my book, Brigands = Liberty Rogues. So, pirates that defend their turf, they hate police and navy but don't attack them. They seek only easy profit and attacking transports is the way to go.
Okay noted

That is the most important thing "I" would expect. The next thing would be, not to play as outright pirates, but reasonable ones and ones that are always fun to interact with. Players, when they see your faction in the chat list, should not avoid you at all costs, but would want to bump unto you, for some nice little interaction and a reasonable fee ofcourse.

Since Gallia does not have much traders or police characters roaming around, you might be more inclined to the Taus where there is some activity now. If you can stir up the activity in the place you are working, then there is nothing more needed.
Firstly, don't log and pirate only when you see a ship in Gallia. What I mean by this is that Gallia is very low on activity and if every time the few ships that do appear in Gallia they are pirated they will just not bother. Some of us are active in Gallia quite a bit, IDF, GMS and at the moment to a lesser extent EFL, so we wouldn't object to the interaction.

Tunicle and I also have Brigand Characters as well, so I am sure that we can help, even though we hardly log them.

I am also of the belief that Pirates are very 'protective' of their turf so any other Pirates would be frowned upon and shown the door. To this end I wouldn't expect Sirius Pirates being allowed to operate within Gallia unless under extreme circumstances. Trading would be fine but a Pirate Code of Honour would be set up.
Gallic Brigands are okay with GRP, at least they were. Also Brigands had something with Outcasts if I'm not wrong...
Don't forget about Cardamine smuggling. Malta is pretty much next door and the highest sellpoint in Gallia is a quasi-lawful station in Maine.
Thank you all for your awesome feedback, I really appreciate it. I've noted down all of these things. Has anyone got any ideas on the history?
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