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Full Version: Operation N.O.V.A.S //Me & Other Solar Runners Only
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[::] Orbital R.E.L.A.Y [1] in transit around Planet Moros [::]
[::] Battery Cores - [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] online [::]

[::] Orbital R.E.L.A.Y [2] in transit around Planet Moros [::]
[::] Battery Cores - [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] online [::]

[::] Orbital R.E.L.A.Y [3] in transit around Planet Moros [::]
[::] Battery Cores - [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] online [::]

[::] Orbital R.E.L.A.Y [4] in transit around Planet Moros [::]
[::] Battery Cores - [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] online [::]

[::] Orbital R.E.L.A.Y [5] in transit around Planet Moros [::]
[::] Battery Cores - [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] online [::]

[::] [Star pattern] in orbital gravity of Planet Moros [::]
[::] Beginning transmission to command center on [Planet Rori] [::]

[::] Connected to [Planet Rori] command center - Starting orbital [N.O.V.A.S] [::]
[::] Downloading [N.O.V.A.S] results [::]

[::] Body [Planet Moros] aerial results [::]
{Mass: 5.98 x 10e24 kg}
{Diameter: 13,753 km}
{Temperate: -120.C to -90.C}
{Escape Velocity: 10.17 km/sec}

[::] Body [Planet Moros] surface results [::]
{Terrain: Terrestrial}
{Atmosphere: Thick cloud cover}
{Major bodies of water: N/A}
{Surface minerals: Carbon elements detected}

{Classification of object by pilot: A possible target for Runner researchers in the future, I've requested that the Dawn Star colony ship be moved to this system to continue research into this planet.}

[::] Solar body [OL-Minor-1] results [::]
{Type: F4}
{Luminosity: V}
{Color: Green}
{Temperature: 6 Kelvin}
{Mass: 1.50 x 10e10 kg}
{Diameter: 0.96 x 10e7 km}
{Classification of object note by pilot: One of the two smaller star's mapped in this system, it is however from the center of the system.}

[::] Solar body [OL-Minor-2] results [::]
{Type: O1}
{Luminosity: V}
{Color: Blue}
{Temperature: 23 Kelvin}
{Mass: 1.52 x 10e30 kg}
{Diameter: 0.98 x 10e7 km}
{Classification of object note by pilot: One of the two smaller star's mapped in this system, it is however from the center of the system.}

[::] Solar body [OL-Major-1] results [::]
{Type: F4}
{Luminosity: IV}
{Color: Green}
{Temperature: 6 Kelvin}
{Mass: 1.99 x 10e30 kg}
{Diameter: 1.53 x 10e7 km}
{Classification of object note by pilot: The primary solar lighting object of this system as well as the main star in the heart of the system}

[::] Object [Object Unknown] [::]
{Classification of object note by pilot: Possible deployed base, will get scanned results soon}

[::] Object [Object Unknown Derbies] [::]
{Classification of object note by pilot: Appears to be part of the stations remains, observations look to have been that the station is falling apart day by day yet it's oddly repair itself. Will get scanned results soon.}

[::] End of [N.O.V.A.S] results and notes [::]

[::] A message from the Councilmen to the pilot of Op.1 [::]
Quote:[::] Request of Councilmen [Ashley Harper] permitted, the Solar Runner colony ship [Dawn Light] shall be moved into Omicron lost under escort of [Defense team South]. There defense force will consist of two [Light Arch] Fearless class destroyers, four [Marked Burn] bombers, and seven [Marked Burnt] fighters as escorts. Please make sure to have a area secured for the arrival of the ship and its escorts within the next following day. [::]

[::] Mean time you are to deploy two [Gutter light mining probes] into the asteroid field around [Planet Moros] to scan it for any resources that will yield good minerals or ores for the working teams. [::]

[::] That is all Op one, keep up the good work and come back home to us safely [::]
[::] May the star's hide our secrets! [::]

{Note from Op.1: Understood command, Ill deploy the two Gutter's I've been given and report back the results, it seems also miss Ashley has given me a ground Gutter for surface reports, so expect two test results either tommorrow or the day after, that is all, may the star's hide our secrets!}
[::] Runner command has approved of field surveying [Moros Asteriod field] [::]

{Note: Both [G.U.T.T.E.R [1]] and [G.U.T.T.E.R [2]] have been deployed within the field in Omicron Lost, both mining probes will be operational for [twelve hours] before sending the results to [Op.1]. Thus far the results have yielded no results on any scale, small or big. Any minerals or ore's found thus far were deemed to insignificant for any operation to be done.}

[::] Deployment note of base [LDM-1] has made landfall planetside on [Planet Moros], research teams have been sent to the planet to conduct research on the surface of the planet. Thus far no elements have been detected of use however [Councilmen] command has decided that this new deployed outpost will be turned into a scouting post and possible settlement for the Runners within the Omicron's. [::]

[::] The colony ship [Dawn Light] has been deployed within the [Kiribati Asteroid field] in [Omicron Delta]. Two more [G.U.T.T.E.R] probes were deployed within the [Kiribati Asteroid field] to survey the location for any minerals within the field. A mineral depot was deployed with the [Dawn Light] to store anything found within the field for further studying in the future. The name of this depot is classed as [LDM-2] as an easy monitering tool to watch over the small base planetside on [Planet Moros] and the depot in [Omicron Delta]. [::]
{Bring [N.O.V.A.S] camera's online, run signature testing and upload them to [U.Scorpii]. Bring the [N.O.V.A.S] live camera feeds online}

[::] Planet Moros Orbital Camera [1] [::]
[::] Planet Moros Orbital Camera [2] [::]
[::] Planet Moros Orbital Camera [3] [::]
[::] Star Camera [1] [::]
[::] Star Camera [2] [::]
[::] Star Camera [3] [::]

{I got the feed's, upload me mineral results from [G.U.T.T.E.R[1]] and [G.U.T.T.E.R[2]] to [Scorpii.U].}

[::] Confirmed, uploading data results from [G.U.T.T.E.R[1]] and [G.U.T.T.E.R[2]], please standby . . . . . . . [::]
[::] Mineral results have detected slight mineral resources within the [Moros Asteroid Field] however nothing of significance. [::]

{Upload details from [LDM-1] to [Scorpii.U] next. Make sure to have any problem reports are marked first and minor messages marked last.}

[::] Understood, getting detailed mission report from [LDM-1] [::]

[::] Ground team's report ground mining has begun at site [LDM-1.1], site [LDM-1.2] and site [LDM-1.3]. No major discoveries have made of significance however researchers planetside have also started testing ground samples for any organic life of any margin. [::]

{Have all details uploaded to [U.Scorpii] and then transfer it to the [Dawn.Light], tell them in the note that mission spec's are going as planned.}

[::] Understood [Op.1] out. [::]
{Day two of [N.O.V.A.S] testing, the Councilmen has sent me another device to be deployed within [Omicron Lost].}

{This other device which they call the [R.E.L.A.Y-N.O.V.A.S] is supposedly a device that will quickly transfer information from the [N.O.V.A.S] drones back to the [Dawn.Light] much faster then it being transferred to [Op.1] then to [U.Scorpii] then to the [Dawn.Light].}

[::] This new device will be deployed around sector's [-1 50 03 -73 | 5 -34 52 | 23 -0 21 01 | 54 3 0 10] and will begin transmitting all results from the [N.O.V.A.S] to the [Dawn.Light]. More over [Councilmen Command] has requested that [U.Scorpii] prep its small crew and venture deeper into [Omicron Lost]. The [Dawn.Light] shall remain within close support range of base [LDM-1] and depot [LDM-2]. More over [U.Scorpii] is requested to rearm and refuel to its [MAX] settings before setting out, as well as enough [food, water and other commodities] for a [six day] long journey back and forth from its destinations [::]

{Very well, [U.Scorpii] will move to [Freeport 11] in [Omicron Delta] and begin preparations, we will return with the results, May the star's hide our secrets!}

[::] [Op.1] understood, May the star's hide our secrets! [::]
// Will update - Holding Place