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Full Version: To: Junker Congress
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[Image: SiriusReliefComstart_zps13b2f2c7.png]

My name is William Walker of Sirius Relief Organization. We recently received a converted passenger liner as a donation and would like to install a docking module to facilitate our ambulance. A source told me to approach you rather than DSE. We would like to ask if its possible for your organization to install it for us and how much would it cost?

Truly Yours
William Walker

[Image: SiriusReliefComend_zpsbbe24f5f.png]
-=Preparing Transmission ... Boosting Signal=-

Greetings Medic Pilot(s):

We will be pleased to accommodate vessels of such philanthropic intent, and have a small but consistent need for such services with the number of Refugees present in Inverness growing daily.

The Junkyard will be able to complete both the sale and equipping of a Docking Module for the price of 108.420.000 SC.

Please forward the callsign information of this and any other available medical 'ambulances', n' we will see to it that these humanitarian vessels are cleared immediately.

With cordial regards,

-=Transmission Complete ... Terminating Signal=-
[Image: SiriusReliefComstart_zps13b2f2c7.png]

Thank you Mr Aces, we gladly accept. The ship's name is SiriusRelief.Org. I will accompany my crew to your station to meet you in person and give you my thanks. Would you be so kindly enough to give us the coordinates of your station? and please let us know when will it be available for installation.

William Walker

[Image: SiriusReliefComend_zpsbbe24f5f.png]
-=Preparing Transmission ... Boosting Signal=-

Excellent, that ship has been added to the registry and is all clear. Also, Docking Modules are available anytime, as they regularly remain well-stocked and available for sale. Currently there are five available, including the one we have at Equipment Bay B being prepared already for your Liner-class vessel.
The Junkyard is located in orbit of Planet Cannish, just on the opposite side of the planet from Invergordon Space Port.

We look forward to receiving your delegation and life-saving staff!

-=Transmission Complete ... Terminating Signal=-