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Full Version: Crayter Republic Bounty Board Registration Channel
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Lucien Sarti

We regret to inform you that the information you have provided is not acceptable to the Bounty Department. Please reapply with photo evidence of your affiliation and verified reputation statistics.

Signed, Bounty Board Secretary Officer
Crayter Republic Military
Name: The Borneo Mining Syndicate
Tag: BMS|
Affiliation/ID: Independent Miners Guild
Reputation sheets:

Rep 1
Rep 2
[Image: UuJsIzJ.png]

Borneo Mining Syndicate

Your reputations and affiliation check out, and your transponders have been added to the list of authorized claimants. Good hunting.

Signed, Bounty Board Secretary Officer
Crayter Republic Military
Adding requested information in visual form

Name: Lucien-Sarti
Call-sign/Ship-name: Jaguar-Noir
Affiliation/ID: Corse/Unione Corse
Reputation sheet:

Name: Les Capes Noires
Tag: C/-
Affiliation/ID: Unione Corse
Reputation sheets: Rep Rep2
[Image: UuJsIzJ.png]

Mr. Sarti

Your reputation and affiliation check out, and your transponder has been added to the list of authorized claimants. Good hunting.

Les Capes Noires

The Bounty Board Office requires reputation listings from two individuals in the event that a group applies for this board, and as such we've chosen to deny your group's registry application at this time. You are welcome to reapply when you can provide a the necessary information.

Signed, Bounty Board Secretary Officer
Crayter Republic Military
Name: James Spencer
Call-sign/Ship-name: (as above)
Affiliation/ID: BAF transponder, Freelancer ID
Reputation sheet:

Note: My Outcast reputation is slightly below red. This is because I am BAF reserve and have had virtually no contact with them. I endeavour to pursue contracts against them, and no doubt my reputation bar will be red before too long.

Update: Crayter is now in the green and Outcasts full red:
[Image: UuJsIzJ.png]

Mr. Spencer

Your reputations check out, and your ID marker has been added to the list of authorized claimants. Good hunting.

Signed, Bounty Board Secretary Officer
Crayter Republic Military
Name: Steven Howard
Call-sign/Ship-name: Small.Fish, Big.Fish, Prime.Number
Affiliation/ID: ID IFF
Reputation sheet: Crayter Outcasts
[Image: UuJsIzJ.png]

Mr. Howard

Your reputations check out, and your ID marker has been added to the list of authorized claimants. Your previous claim can now be filled. Good hunting.

Signed, Bounty Board Secretary Officer
Crayter Republic Military
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