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Full Version: To: Mollys | From: Irina Sedova, The Lane Hackers
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[Image: Rcxsqew.png][Image: Deceiver.png]

Good evening, friends. Let me start by introducing myself - I am Irina Sedova, a Lane Hackers Deceiver. To cut to the chase - Our assassins have noticed what seems like a cooperation between Gaians and the Gauls. While we do not consider Gaians as a serious threat, we believe their knowledge of the jump hole networks could make the Gauls more efficient in occupying Bretonia and targeting Liberty after doing so. Naturally, we don't need Royal Navy knocking at our doors.

However, we cannot say for sure if the above is true, as we don't have any solid evidence. That's the reason I am contacting you - As one of their major enemies, I believe you are aware of their movements and alliances. The question is - Are you able to provide us with intelligence on this matter?
[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, maelady,

Oy do am Blodwyn frem d'O'Driscoll clann, as oy wouldn't seem tae be rude boye nae introducin' maesel' loike ye did.

But let's get straight tae d'point, friend.
Ye dun seem tae know d'politic o' d'Republic o' Dublin quoite well, as friends should do.So lemme enloighten ye, maelady. D'Republic agreed tae observe a cease foire wid d'Kingdom o' Gallia. Aye, dat's true, but it ain't loike we loike 'em o' have any trust fer dem.

Lately we've been worried boye d'many libertonians forces dhat we found attackin' oos in Bretspace, un' boye libertonians corps hangin' 'round Dublin.

Anyway, ye seem tae be concerned 'bout d'gauls havin' access tae some hoidden Jump holes in Bret space, roight ? Den oy do am afraid dey already know most o' em, as oy saw maesel' d'gauls raidin' parties usin' most o''em.

Howe'er, oy do tin' we'd be able tae provoide ye wid evidence o' d'gaians workin' wid'em gauls.
Tin' is, d'council o' D'Republic moight ask fer some favour in exchange.

Slán agat !

-transmission terminated-

[Image: Rcxsqew.png][Image: Deceiver.png]

Dear Blodwyn, thank you for such a swift reply. We are aware of your treaty with Gauls, and see it as a perfectly understandable thing to do, considering the circumstances. To be honest with you - their knowledge of the jump hole networks is not our only concern. The Hackers are also worried about any smuggling routes, as well as how accurate their knowledge is about the local anomalies and oddities. Our main interest is the safety of Magellan and our operations in Manchester.

If you think you can provide us with details that might be useful to answering one of our questions, feel free to enlighten me on what kind of favor you would want in return.
[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, Laedy Sedova,

A'roight, so lemme summarize, ye do want tae obtain d' followin' intels :
- D'Knowledge d'Gallic Royal naevy moight have 'bout d'local anomalies dat we call d'jump holes 'round Leeds, Magellan un' Mancheste' .
- If d'Gaians cooperate wid d'Gauls.Oy s'pose ye be talkin' about deir Naevy, roight ?
- Ye also said sumtin' 'bout d'smuggling routes, but oy ain't shure what d'ye expect o' oos on dhis madder. D'ye want oos tae see oif dey already be aware o' yer own smuggling routes ?

Whate'er d'last wun be, d'council o' Republic agreed tae goive ye a hand on dhis madder.Howe'er, it moight take some toime, as aour people ain't trained properly tae doses koind o' operation.

Slán agat !

-transmission terminated-

[Image: 1b.png][Image: 7.png]

Dear Blodwyn,

Ms Sedova was acting on my behalf contacting you, but I have a feeling that due to some misunderstandings this simple intelligence inquiry has turned into unnecessarily long correspondence. First and for most we do not require from you any intelligence operation, but simple answers based on your current knowledge. While point one of the alliance renewal sealed by me with Governor Aine Moore, which is nota bene only continuation of a series of treaties and agreements initiated in the times of Union of Gold, does not state the extent of required help, we certainly do not want to overuse your resources or send your people on assignments they are not trained for. Also we believe that tokens of friendship such as these should dispel any doubts concerning our intentions and friendship.

So let me form three questions we would be extremely grateful if you had answered to the best of your ability and current knowledge.
  • Did Gaians, especially their new movement called The Watchers, align themselves with the Gallic Royal Navy?
  • Did you notice an increased activity of the Gaians recently, and if so, then in what systems?
  • What is your current stance towards Gaians and how do you estimate strength of their current forces?

Any additional information concerning Gaians is naturally welcomed.

Kind regards,
Nicole Hunter
[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, Maelaedy,

Tis noice tae meet ye, aye. Un' all apologies fer takin' too long tae unnestand what ye really expected frem oos, oif tis mo fault at all.
So, ye do nae requoire an intelligence operation frem oos, un' oy mussay oy do feel some relief, fer as ye guessed aour people ain't quoite trained tae dhis koindo' job.
Well, oif dhe'alliance renewal does nae state sumtin' 'boot sharin' o' intelligence, we would still be glad tae help ye in anyway we can.Un' lemme say dhat d'Republic have nae doubt 'boot dhe Hackers friendship.

Roight, dhat bein' said; afte' oy spoke tae mo people, 'ere's what oy can say.Also remember doses answers moight nae be as accurate as we wish :

- We do nae have any evidence o' Gaians workin' wid d'gauls. Un' oif we actually met some gaians belongin' tae some new movement, we cannae say fer shure be d'so called "watchers".

- Aye, we noticed a wee improvement in d'gaians activity, recently.Oy'd say most o' em 've been spotted ind' Mancheste' system, den in aour beloved Dublin.

- Let's say we met too few o' em tae have a proper stance toward'em gaians, un' we tend tae solve aour encounter wid'em on a case boye case basis, deses days.However we were merciless tae doses who sided wid d'Sars, un' o' course toward doses who attacked aour moiners in d'past. Moind ye, we dinnae see doses fer ages.

'Ere's what oy can say fer naow, un' oif we do have any furdher infos, we'll be happy tae share doses wid ye.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

[Image: aYeyeyU.png][Image: vGsou4l.png]

Greetings Mollys.

I am contacting you because I'd like to inform you that the latest Gaian cell, The Watchers, is actively transporting alien artifacts into Liberty. We intercepted two of their convoys already, and are currently in diplomatic contact with them.

Apparently they are unaware that their Corsair benefactors had destroyed your homeworld, Planet Cork. The Professorship is confident that once they learn the ecological and environmental damage that their closest allies caused to a natural planet, their relations may significantly change. Which, I am sure, is towards the benefit to both of our groups.

So what do you say my friends? Are you willing to give them a tour in Londonderry?
[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, Ser,

Oy Tin we've nae met afore, so lemme introduce mosel' : oy's Blodwyn frem d'O'Driscoll Clann, councillor o' D'Republic o' Dublin. But maebe ye alreaday know mo name. Howe'er oy dunno who ye be.

* She snorts *

As ye 's usin' a chann' d'Hackers used afore un' mentionned d'Professorship, oy guess ye's wun o' em, roight ?

So, we're back taelkin' 'bout doses Gaians, ain't we ?
What can oy say ? Oy ain't surpoised doses are still dealin' wid d'Sars, as almost all o'em oy heard 'boot were doin' so. It ain't new tae oos.
Tin' dhat is new howe'er, be dhat yer organization be conductin' diplomatics parley wid 'em. Un' let oos say, dhat we're quoite curious 'boot it. So may we know what were doses talks 'boot ?

When it comes tae Cork, lemme tell ye dhat oy had alreaday dhat conversation, widh various members o' d'Gaians afore, un' it seem it wasn't wun o' deir concern.At least oy dinnae heard any o 'em plannin' tae end deir relationship wid d'Sars.
Oy e'en remember dhat wun o' em doubted dhat t'was d'Sars who did it. Roight, oy unnestand dhat one shall nae trust e'erytin' dhat one's been told. Un' he e'en suggest mae tae tin' o' who moight had d'strongest interrest o' woipin' oos aout once fer all. T'was a good way o' tinkin', oy must say.
Dhat he dinnae know, was dhat some o' oos survoive Cork disaste' . Was wun o' em, e'en oif oy was too young tae remember any details related tae d'forces dhat attacked oos. But many o' d'poilots who troyed tae stop d'fleet dhat nuked oos, aknowledged dhat t'was a 'Sar fleet. Un' oy see nae reason whoy e'erywun would be loyin' 'boot dhat.

Anyway, as oy dun tin' oy talked wid some o' doses watchers 'boot Cork, but oy would be surproised oif dey dinnae hear dhat story frem oder Gaians.
So oy could talk tae'em o' Cork un' o' what happened, could e'en show dem d'place oif oy foind it necessary. But oy doubt dhat, fer d'place does nae contain any evidence o' d'Sars involv'ment in d'disaster.

So oy'll keep d'chann open oif any news are comin' frem oos o' ye.

Slán agat !

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