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Comm ID: Doc Nagger
To: Tinkers

Let's keep this kinda quiet. An interesting chat with the Order, Bailey. Considering the intell I have on them turning on long time allies, the Zoners, I would be careful. Make them earn your trust.
As to Nomads, I have a file on them thanks to my mentor but again, keep it quiet. That's a topic I would only discuss in private with leadership.

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Dr. Nagger
Location: Medical Offices, Tinker's Haven
To: Haven Leaders

I'm scrolling through some messages and contracts and I found this:
As I read through it, I found it to be condescending to say the least.
These Rogues want a monthly fee and then tribute upon encounter to boot? I mean really?
Fynn, they demand all of this of us for "our safety" but I have no doubt that at some point at least one of them will be wheeled into my office on a gurney, having been shot up by Bounty Hunter, Xeno, Naval or some other official and want a free patching up too! We operate by donation mostly but this bothers me.

I'll shut up for now but I just wanted to voice my opinion on this.

Doreen :

I agree, but I also have a problem with full scale war.

Get me right...
we might be heading there still, as rumours have it that the Rogues and the {AFC} are taking a liking towards each other, but I dont know anything definite jet.

You see, its actually cheaper to pay them out.
Even with paying our "base licence" 2 times, one time to lawfuls and one time to Pirates,
and even with still having to donate towards them if we meet them in space, there is nothing a Rogue might NOT do if he´s crazed by the Orange.
But this way at least I have a Rogue Boss whom I can contact to try and sort some stuff out, and our skippers have a chance to chat their way out of any encounter.

The alternative would be to get ready to fight against a group specialized at Bomber and Fighter combat, stationed all around us and able to cut all our trade routes to ribbons, including our Skippers.

Doc: if the price for the life of any of my skippers is my cash, I will gladly sacrifice it.
And if I sacrifice a bit of my so called "honour" along with it :
let it be.

There are points I will not sacrifice, and I hope it will never come that far.
Believe me, not even the soulless attacks of any Nomads or Wilde beat the ruthless viciousness of underworld warfare.
No bounds, no rules... last man standing wins it all.

If it comes to that, take care that Benny stays at the Planet and ceep a speedy light fighter pimped for agility at the dock, will you ?
That way you have a chance to survive.

//ooc: another post ... sorry to be nagging, Tinkers, but I am more than worried.

This is not meant as QQ, but as warning:

We are about to loose our run for official faction,
due to inactivity

Reason : we need 5 active players, activity being defined as 1 hour per month.
No second chance , no leeway
( leave all the warning and stuff away : we are not offical jet, and as unofficial faction we are worth NOTHING according to Server policy)

Members "active" due to activity tracker :

Rob ( T&T/.Tinkers.Pride)
George ( T&T/BlackFeet / T&T/Beetlejuice )
Brian ( T&T/Brian.Warner )

... and that was it.

The T&TNewYork is a shared account. Heck , I would not count her myself
T&T/.Titan is lost in space, and good riddance ( made more problems that worth it, and was expelled )
And T&T/I.Die.Hard had 15 days of activity or so and then vanished... newcomer

I care about this faction, and will continue working on it even as an unofficial faction, without lowering standards.
But we will not have any chance to get Tinkers ID, no chance to get buffs or to do the really interesting SRP or request the really interesting Developements due to :
server policy

This is not about if I like it, or if it´s fair.
It´s the way this server is run.

KJ is just ragequitting us, as he got LOLpvp´ed without any notice several times after returning from sabattical,
Sturm had massive RL issues with his PC and must have lost his activity so far due to the known fact that first day of activity after regaining account or a movechar transfer is lost on tracker, and the rest are inactive.

So , Tinkers :

Log, or let it be.

Your decision. Admins vote in the next few days, no idea when.
And first thing they do is :
look at activity tracker.

You all know it, you all have the chance to do something.

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Dr. Doreen Nagger
Location: Cambridge Medical Institute, Planet Cambridge
To: Fynn McScrap

Hi, Fynn,

I will be out of my office for a few days attending a conference and a class on planet Cambridge. This shouldn't affect services on station. Benjen is in care of some friends on Houston and will be fine. I expect to be here for a few days and maybe, just maybe, I'll have a chance to meet some BAF folk as I know we have been sort of working with them.
I also brought some nanocapacitors for Cambridge and they were well received. Let me know if you need anything.

To : Doc Doreen Nagger
Comm channel : private connection
from : Tinkers Haven, Office module

Hey Hey, Doc.

Bailey told me he´d met you and you had asked about routes to Cambridge.
I hope you passed your friends my comnet adress, I will be happy to step in if something happens till you return.

Pass my regards to the merchant navy and any Bretonnian officials you happen to meet,
and please excuse me with them for being quite silent recently.
With the work at Baffin under way I am hard pressed to find enough time to sleep.

By the way : Im looking for a good Administrator for the Shrine Service Station, somebody who thinks he can cope woth a lot of passengers and patients at the same time, and would coordinate with the Haven office and the trade fleet - and your staff in MedEvac too, of course. Sure, some diplomatic finess would be a fine idea too.

So if you happen to meet somebody interesting pass on the offer, and we will invite him or her to the Haven and to our Houston office to assert a possible job offer.

Ah jes, and on your way back : MedStasis bandsa are always a possibillity, but I think that picking up some sample elixiers might be a good idea too. Stock is running low there.
And even Olsen doesn´t know his tonics as well as you could assert that stuff.
He always tends to ask after the flavour only *laughs*

Come back home safely, and no worries.
You have fine staff here, they will ceep all operations running smoothely till you return.

Even if we will miss you around, Doc.

Yours sincerely

Dear Dr. Nagger, Dear Mr. McScrap, dear Tinkers,
many thanks for the war welcome. Dr. Nagger, i wish you save skies and a congress with new aspects.

Neverless i have to face many new experiences and a couple of questions:

1. I saw at the Heaven a demand of:
Plas Foam Conduits 9800
Industrial Hardware 16800

The PF are "enroute" on my way back to the Haven 3515 are on their way within the next time.

2. If the Heaven has a daily demand it would be good to know, what is needed. Alloys, Water, Oxygen, whatever and how many.

3. That "Brunswick Projekt", maybe i can Help, let me konw.

I am grateful for every answer. Thank you and save skies

Hasmeth Nightowl
*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Dr. Doreen Nagger
Location: Cambridge Medical Institute, Planet Cambridge
To: Tinkers

My pleasure, Hasmeth. I think you will find a nice home here in T&T.
Fynn, if you need me to speak with the Bretonian crown on relief efforts, shoot them in my direction. I'll be happy to assist in between meetings.

//ooc : sry, still logged on the wrong account : Fynn here ;-)


Feel free to check the base info any time, we have a large order for up to 5 or 6 docking modules going on. And As we might buy a civilian carrier yourselves we might need even more after that.

As for the Brunswyck shrine : I have seen no new deliveries ?
Post me or John Kurt any deliveries and I will update the list and cash in the bonus after completion. And we can always unse a load or two of Reinforced Alloy from Pensylvania or Rochester in New York.


I was just speaking with Tukker jesterday : We got a message from Bretonnia informing us that our Pilgrim Liners are no longer considered illegal, but ignoring our real question :
What exactly is the standing of Tinkers in Bretonnia ?

It seems we are either to small to notice, or we are somewhat uncomfortable.
I would like to know what exactly is up. So if you find an opportunity to beat the bush : feel free.

Perhaps you will have more luck than me so far.

*sighs* It seemd the stigmata of working with Junkers is still clinging to us, even in a notouriously friendly house like Bretonnia. As if would not know how to use a sonic cleaner...

Good luck in your conferences.
And place a call if you need any assistance.

Yours sincerely
we are on the run for the shrine project. until now just
Plastics and HighTempAlloy is to deliver
best regards
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