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Full Version: To the .:J:.unkers Congress, from Planetform
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[Image: Planetform3.jpg]

Source: Vincent Morrow
Location: Canterbury Station
Subject: Playing god with Terraforming Forres
Priority: High

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away talks were had about playing god with terraforming planet forres, due to the momentary unionization of employees certain circumstances those talks were brought to a stand still. We would like to reopen the channel of negotiation on the subject.

Our monkeys scientists tell me the biggest problem we’re going to run into is the fact that the planet is a billion freaking degrees a hot house full of greenhouse gases, we are going to need to drop a giant ice cube into the ocean use extensive amount of science stuff anti-greenhouse mechanism and cryogenics.

The other problem we saw was the large number of pirates blowing up whatever they damn well please taxing traders in the area, if you can turn them all into space dust increase security in the area, they shouldn’t be a problem though.

In general we just want more money feel like this would be good for both parties and would like to reopen negotiations.


"Playing god so you don't have to!"