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Full Version: To: Republic of Liberty
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[[[coneciĆ³n astvilaya]]]
[[[To: Government of Liberty]]]
[[[FWD: Liberty Legal & Patents Bureau (?)]]]

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[Image: 3208WB0.jpg]

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Tajima Rosenkov and you may have already heard about Rosenkov Technology. Our goal is to improve welfare of the Sirian people by finding out obsolete and unused techs, improving and releasing them onto civilian market.

We would like to discuss three matters on this channel, one of them is group registration, but I believe our investors from Interspace Commerce would put adequate documents onto your desks. To make things clear, our vessels will be using IC papers and IFF for an unknown measure of time.

The second matter now. We would like to know by whom the original blueprints and project of IDC K-FR-2303, also known as Sunburst, is owned. We are to propose certain changes concerning the new look of the vessel and more efficient powercore, but without original creator's approval such action would be illegal.

The third matter is to patent our new joint product, that is DB1-AR Drill Bits (full name: DB1-AR Ageira-Rosenkov Space Mining Operations Drill Bit) replacement for currently used in Sirius, but slightly outdated, Libertonian Drill Bits - new project is created with (but not limited to) the old but unused blueprint provided by Ageira Innovations. We can provide proper blue prints and free samples in a few days, as estimated DB1-AR efficiency would reach the 115%, if compared to the older model.

I look forward to your reply.

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