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[[[connection established]]]
[[[coneciĆ³n astvilaya]]]
[[[redirecting message: Mr Torreto]]]

[Image: Sm_logo.png]

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[Image: QEBFBCD.jpg]


I hope you remember our last talk about engine development. Additionally, you have experience with Arrows. Good to hear, since I have been (semi-privately) improving and exploring abilities of the CNOS engines, as we got hands on one Gallic engine. We should meet privately again.

Oh yes, have you installed that second circuit I gave you?

Note this is not quite the official Rosenkov Tech message, but I'd be glad to meet you in the New York System.

Rosenkov Technology

[[[video feed ended]]]
[[[connection closed]]]
>Incomming Transmission<
>Comm ID: Logan Torrio<

[Image: wZvHdgj.jpg]

"You are giving us some real headaches here on Blackport"
He scratches his head

"We have no idea for who this transmission is. Is it for me, and you just spelled the name wrong? Is it for Sunny, because he flew a Arrow and talked about circuits? Or do want to talk to Marco Torreto, who does not even remember talking to someone from Rosenkov Tech"
He smirks

"Well... until you tell us for who this transmission really is, we have to wait to answer it properly"

>End of the Transmission<
[[[connection established]]]
[[[coneciĆ³n astvilaya]]]
[[[redirecting message: Sunny]]]

[Image: Sm_logo.png]

[[[video feed established]]]

[Image: QEBFBCD.jpg]


Ah yes, perhaps it was indeed Mr Sunny... Or the other guy who was few days ago nearby the Baltimore. Can't say for sure, the current research over these new projects are giving me a great headaches... Oh wait, I'm hearing a boss. Yeah, either Mr Sunny or other guy. Redirecting message to Sunny then.

Rosenkov Technology

[[[video feed ended]]]
[[[connection closed]]]
[Image: ZnqM2h0.png?1]


FROM: Sunny ~ President of the AFC
TO: Will ~ Rosenkov Technology
SUBJECT:Engine Development

Hey again,

Yeah we've been a bit at work so excuse us for the late transmission.
I did however go into adding that additional component. I must say it -is- doing a great deal of difference in performance.
We -do- have with us several engineers including a bit of myself that know a thing or two about Arrows and the various engines. However there is always much to learn and research, as you have shown.
I would be happy to meet you again in the New York system or any other location you pick. Maybe somewhere with some beer or drink eh?

Looking forward to seeing you.
Please confirm the time and place for further discussions.
