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Full Version: TO: Arbiter James Trenton
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****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Emeritus Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Hello old friend. I've been monitoring you latest struggle. My advice is not to spend too much time or resources worrying about this trial. It's a farce. I know you think you have some kind of high ground here, but remember the past. Remember how the LSF treated VladimirTinkerbell, how they treated Hanibal Bishop, and how they treated me. I see no indication that they will treat you any different. I'm well outside Liberty at the moment, and I am not excited about coming back there. There is money to be made in the border worlds. I may come back into Puerto Rico soon though, just to relive some old times. In the mean time I'm going to send something to you via courier. When Tinkerbell first promoted me y first project was to write a plan for this sort of thing. You should look it over. Let them ciminalize the Congress. It will be far more of a headache for them than it ever will be for you.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****