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Pirate Reapers extended Background

Slavery has been diminished since the Vanish of many Slavers across Sirius. Slaves weren’t a real business amongst Smugglers and rarely have been a good profit. Routes weren’t as old times anymore, no more Slave Liners carrying hundreds if not thousands of Slaves. Pirates couldn’t maintain such a great force to actually keep the business flowing. Independent Pirates were on low numbers, Slavers even worse.
People felt comfortable that this nightmare was gone, finished from the Houses. But it only lasted until certain Governments actually hid their true faces…

Liberty, wasn’t liberty no more. Liberty, has gotten a ‘picture’ of Liberty. Liberty, is now just an image of what people dreamed, their so called ‘Freedom’.
It all began on Planet Pittsburgh, New York System.
“Black Market? How the hell would we justify this?”, mumbled Jack. “We don’t have another choice, this place will lose its worth in a couple of months and the Government will for sure not look into our tears. We have to act now!”, said the Dealer. “Jack, if we don’t make profit now, you can forget about the goods in the Omegas, the trip alone into Omega-49 is a hell for us. You know how many patrols move around there and the Hogosha have been giving our Smugglers a Hard time through Kyushu. The Outcasts aren’t always relyable, but they do help. If you want to fulfill your pact with the Corsairs in the Omegas, then you better get this smuggling thing flowing.”

Jack moved back and forth thinking about what can be done, the past few months have been realy unprofitable for him. The Trip from New York to Omicron Alpha always caused trouble in Kyushu. The backtrip with Cardamine wasn’t as painful as reaching O-Alpha itself. But the Dealer was right, if he wants to keep this market on going, he has to do something. “Allright, allright… I will come up with something. But whatever happens, this will stay between us, you hear me? Nobody has to know.” The Dealer smiled and shaked Jack’s hand. “Well then, Jack the Ripper. Our Convoy is always ready, at your service.” After this sentence they both went away.

Jack launched the Dirty Jack, his Pirate Train. Without being seen, he tried to reach friend Terrance, a Pirate that delivers all the stolen goods to Jack. “Ahoy there Cap’n!” suddenly a fully armed Frigate uncloaked infront of Jack: “What the hell!?”, he was shocked. Terrance replied: “Harr-arr-arr-arr! Treasure ye’see??? One ‘ell of a beauty ain’it?”

Introduction of Jack's Pirate friend:

"Yarr! 'ello there lads. Yer askin' what these maniacal Pirates are!? 'Arr 'arr 'arr *Laughs Horribly*. Well then you migh' wanna lis'en to ol'uncle Terrance, the Cap'n of these rats, harr 'arr 'arr 'arr. There is a rumor that some Pirate ancestors still stick around, spookin' people. *Laughs* If that is true? I leave that up to you!"

Terrance the Clearance

[Image: Gangplank_unfold.jpg]

The Pirates. Ain't nobody got time for that. Sometimes I even ask my ol'pal Plank the 'ell he's thinkin' in doin' such a dirty, nasty, horrible, disgustin', brutal, cold an'maniacly thing all day over n overr n over again... But then I realize, do what chye want cause a pirate is free, 'arr 'arr 'arr!

The Freedom witnessed 'ow 'ard a life of a pirate is thou'. Thus many of us 'ave come together, truce amongst Pirates have been established, yarr.

Couple of Pirates 'ave come together and the Pirate Reapers 'ave been established, various groups of Pirates, Smugglers and Slavers 'ave merged, quite a show I tell ya, 'arr 'arr 'arr 'arr 'arr 'arr! *Laughs Maniacly*

Either way, lad. As the current Cap'n of these rats, I feel 'onored and will aim to get these lads a safe 'aven. Free from the Governments, no system, no laws. The very core of the Pirates, yarr!"
-Logbook ended.-