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Full Version: To: APM From: ....The Liberty Rogues????
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[Image: 0eqCBjn.png]

Rumor has it that there is a certain group in the edge worlds, who are interested in a rather specific type of the technology and other items.

Yesterday's report showed me that we have the possibility to obtain these items and, considering the growing presence of these things, we will have more.

And yet, you seem to have the experience and technology needed to make some use from what we obtain quite regularly these days.

If you are interested, the ship's location as well as the access codes to it will be transferred to you.

If you are more than just interested, such shipments can be made whenever we obtain them.
Simple enough, no? I will be waiting for your reply.


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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Materials

Mr. Mort,

How interesting. One of my colleges had an interesting thought regarding if the Liberty Rogues and The Core would meet under terms such as this. It seems I should give them a payrise for their accurate insight into future events.

It's somewhat worrying that such a large Nomad presence was found in Liberty, with such hostile intentions too. I doubt you really care about that so much though, and would rather talk business.

In exchange for giving these materials to us, what would the Liberty Rogues like in return?

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::
[Image: 0eqCBjn.png]

Nobody probably cared to tell your college that you do not just ''contact the Rogues''. It is like calling a frat party and expecting that the drunk who picks up the call happens to be the owner of the house.

My name is Andrew Mort, though you can call me whatever you want for all I care. I am sure you are not interested in our titles of rank and hierarchy, but you can just regard me as the man tugging the most strings within the Rogues at this point in time. For you that is a good thing, because my boys out there are going to provide you and me with the tech you so desire.

As far as what I want in return, I will offer you the same little deal I had with one of your many predecessors over the last eight years. As you no doubt know, the Rogues in Liberty are not known for their high grade equipment. Armor plating is makeshift and our scanners are better at microwaving our holo-dinners than picking up potential enemies and cargo.

However the APM and anyone else in the Nomad Worlds...well, military-grade armor, shield generators and other ship peripherals are something you expect as a minimum. Tell you what, we provide you with the items you are looking for and in return, I get to deck out my more skilled boys with that sort of gear.

That alone would be beneficial for you as well, considering the danger of fighting those things and the survivability such an upgrade would bring.


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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Materials

Mr. Mort,

We can provide you with the sorts of items you'd be looking for in exchange for these materials. However there will be restrictions, perhaps absolute, as there may be certain things we simply cannot give as we'd risk our reputation. Even our dealings in this communication should be kept under wraps.

If you need commodities such as engine components or types of armour plating, we can provide. However our transponders cannot gain access to your bases, therefore we will need a place to meet in order to exchange our items, or we could drop both of our items somewhere for both parties to pick up. That last option may be risky though and is not ideal.

If you can name anything specific, please do inquire and the board will discuss if we can handle your request.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

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[Image: 0eqCBjn.png]

I cannot say I am a man who works well when it comes to restrictions, if you don't mind me saying. I tend to look for ways around them and in our case it is the Order and random scientists lurking in the deep Omicrons. I decided to contact you, because at some point in time I remember one of my boys reporting a rather good encounter with your predecessors- long ago as it might have been.

I did not, however, really put much faith in getting something noteworthy of this transmission all that much, so spare me the details about how work between two groups that have all the chance to discard our transponders and use unmarked ships to do transactions as well is suddenly a subject of reputation and some sort of reason to hold out on me.

I treat my business partners well. I just want to make sure we both are on the same mindset and will forgo the usual bull**** of negotiating around something that can be avoided altogether without risk for either of us. Know what I mean?

My boys can get us materials you are looking for, but I doubt that getting old tech in return is going to make them feel like it is worth it. So what it is you can bring yourself to offer, hmm?


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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Materials

Mr. Mort,

I'll assume 'your boys' would probably want something to help them achieve more chaos throughout Liberty. In that regard, I feel a pool of credits might be what you're looking for? We can wire credits to an account in exchange for these materials.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::
