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There were always volunteers in the ranks or the Gallic Royal Navy, but they were mostly used as part of the home guard and rarely positioned at the front lines.

On the 31st of May 822 AS, or 738 AGS, Battleship Oubli, along with most of her fleet, was destroyed by a massive, organized Liberty operation codenamed "Royal Flush". Although Liberty was pushed back, the Leeds garrison had a few holes to be filled up quickly and cheaply. The current Volunteers' Squadron was too small for the role, but the Royal Cabinet had an idea.

Some ships designated for disassembling or refit were recommissioned. The regime blamed many of the captains and pilots for various failures. Some were secretly sent letters, signed by the Cabinet itself, which notified them that they were soon to be picked up by the Royal Guard and executed in public as an example. There was, however, another option. They were offered to join the remnants of the Oubli fleet as "volunteers". Their ships were at the end of the repair schedule, their supplies were the last to arrive, their salaries were the lowest in the whole Navy -- but they were alive. And if they wished to remain so, they had better serve the King and the Gallic nation with more ardour, valour and efficiency than ever before.

The squadron was named Les Bohèmes. Forlorn spirits that are floundering in this enormous bog. Their lives were deprived of any meaning -- except la chère patrie.

Code of honour:

Fight with honour and all classes of ships. Respect your enemy. Soon they will be our subjects, and we need to gain their affection.
For the sake of success, there will have to be organization, so sometimes you will need to follow orders.

Nevertheless, we are trying to establish a somewhat relaxed atmosphere. Role-play of failed (or just non-profit) poets, patriotic drunkards, former criminals, defectors, peasants levied from their fields, amazingly bored noblemen in search for adventure and unsuccessful captains, is encouraged.

Naming convention:

{B}Rank.Firstname.Lastname - for fighters/bombers; example: {B}V-Am.Paul.Tron

{B}Code - for fighters/bombers (in case the ship is shared; recommended: after a French food or drink, or after its mothership); example: {B}Claret, {B}Tonnant-B-01

{B}RNS-Shipname - for capital ships (recommended names are after French cultural inheritance places/buildings/objects, heroes, victories and ancient Greek or Roman gods); example: {B}RNS-Moulin.Rouge

{B}RLS-Shipname - for logistics ships (recommended: after French Romanticism or Modernism poems); example: {B}RLS-Bateau.Ivre

Rank structure:

Bénévole (Bn):
Flies a snub. If a Bénévole acquires a capital vessel or performs well, they may advance to the next rank. May (ooRPly) command the upper ranks on agreement.

Capitaine (Cpt):
Commands a capital ship or is one of the more reputable pilots. May command the Bénévoles. May advance to the High Command after its approval.

Vice-Amiral (V-Am):
The lower High Command rank. May command the Capitaines and the Bénévoles. There may be multiple Vice-Amirals.

Amiral (Am):
The overall commander. Chosen by voting from Vice-Amirals.

Ships in use:

All Gallic lawful ships.


Capital Ships:

1) Flagship: {B}RNS-Tonnant (Valor)
2) {B}RNS-Versailles (Valor)
3) {B}RNS-Panthere (Valor)
4) {B}RNS-Royal.Vauquelin (Valor)
5) {B}RNS-Antares (Obstinate)
6) {B}RNS-Vas.Royale (Perilous)


1) Amiral Georges Guynemar (Pacific)
2) Vice-Amiral Pierre Vincent du Petit Thouars (Thunderer)
3) Capitaine Jacques Mercier (Cashew)
4) Capitaine Alice Marie (Punisher5431)
5) Capitaine Gabriel Bruguière (Chuba)
6) Bénévole Guillotine (Pepe)
7) Bénévole Integra Hellsing (Alucard)
8) Bénévole Benoît Amaury (Benoit)