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Full Version: To: Kishiro Technologies, From: Liberty Police, Inc.
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[Image: 2x_Doxd_S.png]
ID: J.D. Masket, Chief of Police
Source: Police Plaza, Illinois

Good evening gentlemen. It has come to our attention that one of your ships by the name of "Dokuritsu.Shi" has violated the trade embargo between Liberty and Rheinland. on 04/18 of this year, roughly three months ago 4920 units of consumer goods were moved from somewhere in Liberty space across the border, into hamburg.

This is, admittedly a small violation. However, the evidence submitted to us via an anonymous tip is conclusive and there is no doubt that the embargo was broken by the ship in question.

We are willing to listen to anything that you wish to say in your defense, or any information that may shed light on the situation.

Unfortunately a fine must be levied, Please include evidence of $10,000,000 credits being sent to LPI-Leavenworth, otherwise the ship in question will be added to the Liberty Criminal Database and thereafter arrested.

[Image: Q7i_JQg1.png]
[Image: Kishiro_Sig.png]

Tommy Lee, CEO of Kishiro Technologies speaking.

I tried to make sense of what you said in this transmission but I think i'll be needing help, You ask of us to pay a fine without any solid evidence and you threaten our employees with arrest warrants? Kishiro work everywhere and its common that our transports move goods through places which are not accessible to locals, But that is not a crime. You'll have to back up your claims before we even consider this. Please attach your evidence,
[Image: 2x_Doxd_S.png]
ID: J.D. Masket, Chief of Police
Source: Police Plaza, Illinois

Apologies, it seems that a rather important part of this message was lost in the paperwork, the evidence. It is enclosed below:


Due to ongoing discussions among the LPI board of directors, we are going to waive the fine in this instance. However, we would still very much like an explanation for a clear and direct violation to liberty's laws, specifically the following:

Quote:III. Liberty-Rheinland Embargo.

For the purposes of this section, the borders of Liberty space are defined as the entrances to the Bering and Hudson from Texas, and Bremen from the New Hampshire system. Members of the Liberty Forces are authorised to enforce this embargo on both sides the border.

Any vessel in violation of this embargo, and which resists arrest by the forces of Liberty, will be terminated. Vessels which evade capture or destruction will have their docking rights in Liberty space revoked.

Any vessel wishing to transport goods to either Freeport 2 or Atka Station must request clearance from an officer of the Liberty Forces and should expect to have their cargo checked prior to crossing the border.

Direction of travel
Liberty TO Rheinland
No goods permitted

[Image: Q7i_JQg1.png]