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Full Version: To: Laura Carsten || RFP
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IDENTIFICATION: Detektiv Petra Sauber
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Official Return

Guten Tag, Laura!

It's been a while, hm? How are you these days? I hope everything is fine.

Anyway, I've heard there are some problems regarding Polizei Personnel and found out you might need some people in service. So here I am again, as promised. I would love to get my old position and my "little" love if possible, but you know I don't care about ranks but about Rheinland's safety. So throw me in, once again.

Detektiv Petra Sauber
Rheinland Bundespolizei Reserve

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IDENTIFICATION: Polizeidirektorin Laura Carsten
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Re: Official Return

Hallo Petra!

There is always problem with insufficient number of officers, no surprise in a job which can be summed with "the pay is not great, but the work is hard...". So everyone counts and especially someone skilled and experienced like you!

Regarding me, I´m busy as hell as usual. Lot of paperwork to do and I still try to do patrols to have at least some action...and sometimes I also need to sleep more than just six hours. But I´m not complaining, I chose it myself.

Anyway, it´s gut to see you back from vacation! I missed the fun we had in locker room before and after patrols, like that funny panties challenge.

So welcome back! I hope we will meet on a patrol soon and don´t worry, your Fafnir will be assigned back to you immediately.

Laura out.