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Full Version: Permission to Make an outcast fleet
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[Incoming transmission]

Name: Fain
occuption: Destroyer captain

To my outcast brothers and Dons,

This transmission is to ask the Dons permission to form an outcast fleet

Ever since i escaped from manhatten i have been wanting to protect
my brothers and Dons from the fate the corsairs tried to choose for me.

I would like to organise a fleet of skilled outcast pilots i will need:

Destroyer: Fain
Destroyer: Occupied

Bomber 1: Unoccupied
Bomber 2: Unoccupied
Bomber 3: Unoccupied
Bomber 4: Unoccupied

Fighter 1: Unoccupied
Fighter 2: Unoccupied
Fighter 3: Unoccupied
Fighter 4: Unoccupied
Fighter 5: Unoccupied
Fighter 6: Unoccupied

If the fleet is approved i will be organising a Interview and event to decide the skilled pilots i need

The fleet will be called [OaF] Outcast Attack Fleet

If the fleet is approved i will be asking my outcast brothers if they would like to join the event will be a strict event only the best fighters will be accepted,

The bomber event will involve as many bombers who would like to try out Only 4 will be accepted

The same for the fighter group But 6 will be accepted. More information will be given about the fleet
if/when the fleet is accepted

Fain out

----------------------End of transmission----------------------------
Sounds like you trying to create a new faction or maybe a sub-faction of one that already exists. If you are already in one of the Outcast factions, why not just form up with them, have seen bombers up in Alpha before. Have seen the multiple gunboat, fighter fleet stuff, but not seen the multiple bomber thing yet on a regular basis. Anyway good luck in your efforts.
' Wrote:Sounds like you trying to create a new faction or maybe a sub-faction of one that already exists. If you are already in one of the Outcast factions, why not just form up with them, have seen bombers up in Alpha before. Have seen the multiple gunboat, fighter fleet stuff, but not seen the multiple bomber thing yet on a regular basis. Anyway good luck in your efforts.

Many thanks and yeah i guess u may call it a subfaction //For EG my name would be Fain[OaF] if i get accepted and my fleet members would have the same


To be honest, i do not see what is the use to this, since the reapers and the 101 fighter fleet allready covers these needs, yet if you prefer, id suggest you look up their recruitment threads. I know the 101st need more bombers and if you can convince the indie falcatas around, it would be more useful than a new wing.
' Wrote:To be honest, i do not see what is the use to this, since the reapers and the 101 fighter fleet allready covers these needs, yet if you prefer, id suggest you look up their recruitment threads. I know the 101st need more bombers and if you can convince the indie falcatas around, it would be more useful than a new wing.

Ok thanks i mayy do but i doubt the 101st need another destroyer and im noing goin down to a bomber haha

Fain out
Incoming Transmission...
Sender: Don Emilio Santini
To: "Fain"
Subject: Inaccuracies and Questions

Twelve ships hardly makes a fleet, pilot.

Where do you want to operate primarily? Defending our Tau base from the Colonials? Attacking Corsairs in Bretonia? Supporting our allies in Liberty? We don't really need yet another organized force guarding Malta and neglecting our other assets.

What ships do you intend to use? Our Sabre is a very good ship, but we also have Scimitars and readily-accessible Crows. Thanks to our connections with certain other factions, we could easily get Slipstreams as well.

Do you plan to use our gunboat when it enters production?

I do not think you thoroughly planned this. Think about the details.

End of transmission.
hi fain forget all these lot, theere moany old Women especially Sindroms:P........>.> {RaVeN} would be more than happy to take your fleet under our wing, we are an outcast clan and always looking for new potential hit us up at cya;)

From: Don Lohingrn Rala'state
To: OaF forces

hrmmm, your little proposal intrigues me... but i would like to know more information about this little "Attack squad" before i am prepared to take any action.

Where will you operate?

What will we gain?

What is your goals?

I will not say that this wont come cheap.... i have the resources and power to grant it but there will be terms my friends.

*incoming transmission*
*comm ID Don Rinaldo Santana, Malta high council of Dons*
*target OaF forces*
Brothers i applaud your desire to take the fight to our enemies but like my fellow council members i need a bit more clairification on your intended area of operations. As well as a concise ship list showing all intended craft to be flown under your command.
A bit of advice though... if you need any advice as to ship types or command matters i would suggest contacting either the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz or the Reapers of Sirius as well as the Shadow Outcast Brigade.
I have more confidence in any advice those factions could give you than the Ravens might.
I wish you luck in your endeavor.
Yours in service to Malta and the Orange dream
Don Rinaldo Santana
*transmission ends*
-------------------------------------Incoming Transmission--------------------------------------------------

Name: Fain
Occupation: Destroyer captain

To the attention of my outcast brothers and dons,

I have recieved your transmission please find all details you requested in this transmission

The Outcast Attck Fleet will be at the outcasts desposal for defence anywhere we needed we would have a patrol schedule

EG we would be defending malta for a certain amount of time then move to a long patrol through the tau systems then returning to malta.

also it will play a big part in the destruction of our enemys

The fleet will be based in Omicron alpha We will pratrol alpha and scout for hostile targets.

We will gain a huge advantage against our enemys in defencive missions and Offencive.

This squad will not Answer to me and me only The fleet will have to take orders from me but
i will be acting on what i think is best for the outcasts. That does not mean that i will be the leader
I will be answering to the dons this fleet is for the outcasts desposal not just mine.

The bomber Squad will be required to fly Falcata

4 Bombers will be needed

The fighter squad will be requred to fly Sabres

8 Sabres will be needed

Many thanks to the dons for considering this


Fain out
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