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Euros Armageddon was a young individual, born of the Corsairs. He was at that tender age of eleven years old. At this age the Corsairs send their young out to become adults. This is the initiation ritual for young Corsairs boys to become men. The ritual consists of sending their young out into deep space to an undisclosed location to track down and bring back the carcass of a nomad. Now the nomads are a vicious race of bloodthirsty aliens bent on destroying the human race. Little Euros was next in line to become a man in this fashion. The Corsairs teach their young at a very early age how to fly a ship and how to battle. This is a must for the Corsairs, seeing as they are not a very large faction, they need to have superb pilots to make up for the lack of numbers. Euros' mission was to track down and kill a nomad before he was to return. This had to happen during his eleventh year of life in order to return to the Corsairs collective. If he failed he was told that he should consider not returning home at all. By age eleven he had gained a reputation for being one of the best pilots of the Corsairs. He had a knack for good piloting skills and how to utilize the full potential of his ship. It ran in his family. And now it was Euros' time to become a man.
The Corsair leadership gave Euros enough provisions to last him at least a month, which was the expected time it should take to find and kill a nomad. His ship was prep'd and he was instructed to fly to the coordinates given to him and hunt down a nomad fighter and bring home the remains of the vile creature. Feeling a bit nervous about flying in combat alone, Euros was a little apprehensive about doing the initiation ritual. He'd never flown alone. And this was a big step for Euros.
After his ship was prep'd Euros departed his home world of Crete in search of his prey. Looking in the rearview opticals, Euros had a bad feeling that he may never see his homeworld again as a Corsairian. Pushing that thought out of his head, he proceeded to the coordinates provided. It took him a whole week to arrive at the coordinates. Upon arriving, he expected to be bombarded with dozens of nomads waiting to take his body and soul for their horrific pleasures. But there was nothing, nothing could be seen as alive. All that greeted him was an asteroid field and a huge green cloud, which by the sensors indicated, was a corrosive gas cloud. Feeling confident of his mission, Euros began to wait for his target or targets.
A week passed by since Euros had arrived at his destination, and he was growing impatient, wanting the whole experience to be done and over with. Rationing his food supply and using very little fuel, Euros played the waiting game.
Another week went by with nothing, no sightings, not even a change to the monotonousness which plagued him out in this desolate place of deep space. His hope of a quick kill was increasingly fading. A months time since he had left his homeworld was fast approaching and his hope was dwindling. Floating aimlessly in this corrosive cloud was eating away at him like the cloud was eating at his hull. Upon reviewing his provisions and his fuel supply, Euros found that he was becoming dangerously low on both. How long is this going to take he thought. A month is just around the corner and if that happened, he was told not to return at all. He thought it would be over in a few days, but this long?! No one told him about this scenario. This is becoming scary, he thought. Am I even going to make it? Suddenly, after a month and a half, a warning siren came from his console stating his air supply was becoming dangerously low and his CO2 level had risen to unhealthy levels. 'Man this isnt good' he thought to himself. Where are these bastards!! Growing ill from the lack of fresh food and clean air, Euros thought he was done for. Becoming weak, he thought this was the end for him. Without completing his mission, he felt it was a just end to his existence. A fitting end for a worthless whelp. With warning lights and sirens blaring in his cockpit, Euros settled in for his eventual death in the middle of no where, all alone. Retiring here wasnt how he thought he'd go out, and especially not at this age. Giving in to his sickness and delirium, Euros hunched over his console, gasping for air, air that wasnt there. Fighting the urge to close his heavy eyelids, covering his bloodshot eyes, and saying goodbye to the cruel world. Euros thought to himself, 'this cant be it, this cant be the end for me, can it?' Surrendering to the powerful urge to close his eyes, Euros rested his head on his arms and leaned onto the console, with the thought that this was it, he was to die in this position and become a stiff corpse floating in deep space on a dead and lifeless ship. Not five minutes after succumbing to the condition of exhaustion, the short range radio began to crackle to life. Euros had enough strength to open his eyes, but by the time he had them open, the crackle was gone. All that came from the radio was a hissing silence. Again he layed his head down on his arms and closed his eyes, for the last time he thought, because his delirium was playing tricks on him. About to pass out from his illness Euros surrendered to the events that were going to take his life. But suddenly, the radio came to life once more, at first just a crackle, and then slowly a voice could be heard!

"This is the Order vessel Vagabond Transient calling the unidentified fighter class vessel, come in." "I repeat, this is the Vagabond Transient calling the unidentified fighter class vessel, anyone alive in there?"

Mustering all the available strength he had left in him, Euros was able to hit the transmission button and make a response, a response that would save his life! "This is Euros of the *weeze* Corsairs. My ship *weeze* is out of fuel, my *weeze* oxygen is gone, my *weeze* provisions are gone, and *weeze* my ship is out of *weeze* fuel. I need *weeze* help!"

"Hang in there, we will send you some help. Just stay with us, your gonna be ok, just stay awake!"

"I'll *weeze* try."

"Dont worry, we are working feverishly to get to you. Stand by!!"

With that, Euros felt his ship shift with a clunck and a ca-chunk. A boarding tube. Thank god, he wasnt to die alone after all. A miracle was upon him. As if he were dreaming, Euros pressed the airlock button to allow his savior's to enter his ship. Just as he saw the first of his rescuers enter his ship, he passed out.

Waking weeks later on a soft infirmary bed, Euros was greeted by a fine looking nurse of about 20 years of age. He asked her how long he had been laying there unconscious. He was told that he was on the verge of death. He was also told that even though he was awake, he was not to eat too much and to stay in bed for at least fourty-eight hours.

Within a few weeks after his infirmary visit, Euros was up and about, exploring his new surroundings. He met the captain of the Vagabond Transient and thanked him for their rescue. The captain gave him a choice. Euros may leave whenever he felt like it to return home, or he could stay with them. Thinking about what the Corsairs leadership told him about returning empty handed, he chose to stay with the Order, who saved his life. It was more than the Corsairs would ever do for anyone who needed help. With his decision, the captain gave him a full tour of the ship and showed him to his permanent quarters. About a month had passed since his rescue and he was fitting into his new surroundings quite well, aside from his mischeivious behavior, he was cared for as if he were one of their own.

Eleven years later....

Euros had contemplated his life since being with the Order. The Nomad War was taking a huge toll on the Order and got Euros thinking. The Order wasnt capable of defending mankind from iminent destruction. The Nomads were a highly advanced race bent on mankinds obliteration and they would stop at nothing in order to ensure mankind would cease to exist. On a relatively calm day on the Vagabond Transient, Euros was hit by a vision, a vision to unite under one banner in order to prevent and drive back the alien onslaught that was sure to come if things werent done to disswade the demented creatures from wiping out the human race. Euros felt he needed to tell others what he envision. At first only one or two people would sit and listen to Euros and his crazy idea that he could bring together a precisioned group poised for action at the drop of a hat in order to defend mankind from the threat of annihilation. Euros began to "preech" as it were, to those that would listen, and soon he had a whole room full of listeners straining to hear his every word. Prophecizing about the coming invasion and definate destruction of mankind, the Order hierarchy held an emergency meeting to discuss the growing problem that was Euros. They unanimously voted to remove Euros from their collective for the greater good of the Order, to preserve their way of life as it had been for so many a years. The time had come for Euros to pack his bags and be on his way. Euros was then apprehended and presented before the Order council who ran the Vagabond Transient. Euros pleaded with them to hear him out but to no avail. They did not want to hear what he had to say, and quite frankly, they didnt care. He was becoming a menace and causing unrest among the population on the ship. And if that were to get out of hand, word might get around throughout the Order's entire population that imminent and bloody war and destruction, Apocalypse, as it were, was upon them. That would throw the entire populous of the Order into chaos. This could not happen, it could and would mean the end of the Order's existence. Enough was enough. Euros had to go.
Euros was given an ultimatum. Either leave the ship or spend the rest of his life behind energy walls. He chose to leave. He had fourty-eight hours to pack all his belongings and leave the Vagabond Transient. He was however allowed to keep in contact with the ship's council just in case he found any stray aliens running amock where they shouldnt be. Within fourty-eight hours, Euros was packed and ready to leave. He was graciously given two months worth of provisions and told not to return to the Vagabond Transient, unless his prophecizing were to cease. In Euros' mind it was never going to happen.
Remarkably, before Euros was about to leave, a few tennants of the ship opted to join Euros in his plight for readiness and might among him. Thankfully Euros accepted their companionship and told them to meet him on a shipyard called Tripoli, in the Gamma quadrant. With his belongings aboard his ship, and his goodbye's said, Euros departed what had been his home for eleven years. Although this time, he didnt have a sinking feeling that he wasnt going to see this ship again, for he knew that one day, they would be calling upon him for his help.

Two years later....

After being forced to leaving his "home", Euros found himself on a shipyard bar in the border worlds. He had explored quite a bit of the border world colonies and had made his way to this little out-of-the way bar called the Viper's Pit. This was where and when he told his companions from the Vagabond Transient to meet him at. While waiting for them, Euros found himself talking to someone that he was sitting next to at the bar counter. A man by the name of Guar. He found this man to be quite the intelligent type. Having gotten to know this man a little, an idea sparked up in Euros' head. He thought 'Hmm this man could prove beneficial to me in the long run.' Euros decided to ask this man if he was willing to fly with him. To Euros' surprise, the man agreed. The Legion of Armageddon was born. After accepting the invitation to join along side Euros, the ones Euros had been waiting for finally arrived. Killer, General Calvin, Grid-Locke, Spoon, Remora, Tio Holtzmann and a few others Euros had not met until now all walked in the bar, causing silence for a moment. This would mark the dawn of a new kind of people. One of compassion for mankind, a hatred for anything alien to it, and a vow to protect the human race from all who oppose it. They were the Legionnaires of Humanity, the Legion of Armageddon!