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Full Version: Quick transmission to Freeport 10 CC: Congress
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Hey dock master lock the station down!! A imposter riding .:j:.JunkerTown Pilgrim Liner is docked on the base! Dont let him leave!!

I will send all the proof soon!

I'm not very willing to do that..

Hello there dear. It's not very often we have requests to hold another ship within the freeport for any reason.

I'm afraid that your differing affiliation(Just assuming, I have no idea who the hell you are.) doesn't give me very much inclination to not allow the ship you listed from leaving. If it was another congress member asking, maybe I'd be thinking differently right now. - Freeports aren't a place for people to get a jump on others. Consider it a safe haven. A really rowdy one, as i'm sure you've been in our bars before. I'm afraid we don't go through with requests such as this without some legitimate information being forwarded first to convince us that it's a good idea.

No can do. The Congress can work this matter out on their own. If they need help from the Freeport Administration, they can talk to me personally.
I'm sorry dear, you didn't give me enough information.

Tara Snow
Freeport 10 Administrator
[Image: l3P7UWY.gif]

TO: Tara Snow

Dammit he got away.
Fair is fair though. I'm sure you at least noticed the sirius-wide transmission going on about a missing ship.
Well... turns out that was it.
And now the dude who is flying it is out missing again.


Ah well...

I'll let congress know anyway just so they know the updated info...
S'cool on my end...

Congress' problem in the end. If they'll care then they'll contact you.
I'm just doin' some dirty work.
