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Full Version: Threat comm. to: the Gaians
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To any and all those concerned,

The Republic has, in the past, tolerated you and did not actively seek to counter your actions or your petty acts of terrorism since we've always had more pressing matters to attend to.

Still, seeing as you dared attack us, and more than that, you dared attack at the very heart of the Crayter Republic, on planet Yuma. You'll probably want to know - although your strike-force managed to over-power our lone patrol, their mission was a failure and none of them broke through our planetary defenses.
Even so - this dire attempt at the safety of our citizens will not go unpunished. As of this moment, we will divert our forces to pursuing the Gaian threat.

Consider yourselves warned.

Signed, Daniel Garvey
Minister of Defense
Crayter Republic
[Image: sFz9eXj.gif]

Hey Daniel,

It's James F. Thorn here. Since it hasn't been official, please allow me to make it.

The Gaians declare war to your pitiful Republic for the numerous atrocities your citizens have committed against the natural environment of Planet Yuma. We will not have peace until you completely evacuate the planet and restore the destruction which you solely caused.

Our strike against the terraforming facilities on Yuma was a complete success considering we were heavily outnumbered and we managed to annihilate your space forces. Each man and woman who participated on this daring mission was a volunteer but after this success the Gaians are ready to answer in full force. Just an hour ago, despite all odds, one of your supply ships was destroyed and believe me more will follow.

We will not stop until you leave Yuma
We will be relentless.
We will show no mercy.
Yuma bleeds and our hearts bleed with her.
Vengeance is coming.
War is coming.