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Faction Status Report
Gallic Royal Navy - GRN|

[Image: C4NBvxD.png]
Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month
Flying in the Taus, Leeds, Magellan and California! and shooting stuff. Some comms related to all that, too.

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?
See above.

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?
See last month. Nothing has changed.

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?
See last month.

Is there anything you would like to add?
See last month. Unless the administration team intends to use a lack of content in FSRs as a danger sign in and of itself, these are already little more than trophy cases for factions that actually don't need much help to show their plumage and display all the fun they're having. Also, part of what Jayce said will apply here, except even more so - there's just so little to ever do as GRN| that I find it hard to see anything ever worth logging for. At this point, I am seriously considering reviving our intelligence division and transferring nigh-on everything to that area, just so we have a wider zone of operations for anything at all to occur in. Every single attempt at reviving Gallia has fallen flat on its face - no matter how many times the same 'interested' faces show themselves, promising their eternal devotion to come and help out that poor house with no players, they all inevitably piss off a week later when they remind themselves that they didn't really have any interest in Gallia in the first place. It's a disaster, and I am one drunken evening away from requesting that the entire House be retconned out altogether. Nobody gives half a toss about interacting with us - and because I refuse to compromise our set-in-stone roleplay attitude towards other people/factions in order to get more talky-talky going, we have very little scope to go out and make friends either. Believe it or not, it does get boring flying Cougars against the same damn things for three and a half years now.

Unless the dev team intends to shake up Gallia majorly (and I mean majorly - like jumpholes to the Omicrons majorly), or touch the Gallic/Bretonian/Libertonian front with something more interesting than 'you move forwards/backwards a bit', this period of stagnancy will only continue. I have already entertained the notion of trying to find more ground for interaction in and around Kusari, but on numerous occasions I have been told in no uncertain terms that I'm welcome to go stick it up my arse, and that the Kusari Civil War is intended to be waged entirely internally.

Basically, I'd rather play literally any other game - or, if I were to log onto Disco, any other character - than log my GRN| just to either fly around empty, dead space for hours, or to get slammed into the ground by a squad of caps each bristling with secondaries/Solaris. It's that bad. The only people with any enthusiasm for this faction left are the fresh faces and the few long-lasting people who - somehow, presumably by some superhuman force of will - have somehow managed to not get bored of feeling like an outcast both iRP and ooRP every time you log on. Seriously, it's that bad. Literally every time I comm someone like the IMG, Zoners, or whoever else we might be on vague talking terms with, I get a genuine sense that they'd rather I just necked myself and my faction instead of bothering them with totalitarian RP. If there were a more suitable candidate for leadership other than myself (and there isn't, because there's nobody else who cares about the House/faction more than me left), I would hand it off tomorrow. Until then, I am just watching as my ship slowly sinks beneath the waves.
Faction Status Report
The Lane Hackers - LH~
[Image: TheLaneHackers.png]

Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month.

In-game we performed the usual and standard operations expected by the Lane Hackers such as cargo interdiction, smuggling and limited attacks on law enforcement. No new recruits for a second month in a row.

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?

External communications can be accessed via the Archives. Then, in order to find last May's archives, simply make a search for "823-05" and "823-04".

Except the archived messages, there are three ongoing threads, two comms (1 + 2) and a story thread.

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?

Lack of active members. A significant number of existing members, for different reasons each, are now inactive.

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?

A player request posted by this forum account in regards to some old forum RP being illegally retconned. We have yet to learn the final verdict by the admins.

That's the 3rd month in the row that we post the same thing, waiting for an answer.

Is there anything you would like to add?

We are compiling some statistics about trade routes and system activity. Also an analysis about faction development and how it affects the popularity and attractivity of a faction. It is on hold for now until other matters are first solved. Once it is ready, it will be shared with the Admin team.
Faction Status Report
The Core - Core|

Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?
See above.

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?
Nah not really. Join the faction if you want to play on our side of the park.

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?
Uh, some but can't remember them entirely. From the top of my head I can recall the Sigma-15 ZoI extension in light of recent updates.

Is there anything you would like to add?
People often complain that Core is some sort of harbinger of doom that doesn't impact the server positively e.g "muh delete core!!!" memes and similar. Whilst I think that's all entirely rubbish, and seeing whingey posts in my feedback make already dull days at least a bit more fun, ideally I would really like to see Core| doing more things to promote activity and create enjoyable server-wide experiences for as many people to get involved in as possible.

Unfortunately, no matter how many lengths I go through in order to create such experiences with other leaders and factions for the greater community, I feel like the staff themselves are actually trying their best to stall and stand in the way of such opportunities. The amount of abrasiveness I've gotten for doing something as simple as just creating a bloody plugin event for the Nauru stuff is utterly ridiculous. Talking with staff of all sort I feel that at the end of the day they just don't really care at all about factions cooperating to try and create something for the community to get involved in.

Going all the way back to last year it's just felt like some big overblown wild goose chase that has just been messing around the leaders involved as well as our members who were excitedly looking forward to such an event. And heck it doesn't just end there either. The Edge Worlds are STALE. They're STAGNATE. I mean I can easily get my faction to merrily dance at the top of the tracker if all we want to do is to just organize pews via Skype e-chats and the like but is it so wrong that not just Core, but other factions would want to pursue other kinds of activity?

The DROP event was an immensely fresh breath of air. Not just for Core but every faction in that region, as well as external visiting factions. It gave everyone something to do that wasn't just solid PvP and for those that did still want PvP, they had plenty of opportunities to go for it. And lets not forget the awesome and huge amounts of roleplay it generated too. And post-event during the cooldown we had this massive ball of activity with huge potential to harness (Omicron Delta was the 4th most active system and the Mako was the 5th most active ship) and what did we do? We let it all evaporate to pursue an event in Liberty that created little but QQ, acid and bitterness. Real constructive. Lets host the next event in my toilet if we're going to continue a trend.

And then actual players - not people making WEED events on a whim - get together to try and plan something. And what happens? Constant walling, messing around, and a general emanation of snide and cynical behaviour from the staff. I get told that we'd have to fund all three lots of 5.5bil ourselves if we want to do an event because "it'd make for a cool experiment!" which completely negates any possibility for the unlawful side to get involved and greatly limits the number of players involved.

"oh but core rps like a house so you should pay for everything yourself lythrilux!!!" "you just want to do it for your personal fun lythrilux!!!"

Like wtf? Couldn't the last few plugin events be just as justified as, if not more as, personal fun? And if we're really going to be that stupidly pedantic I think we should start forcing house govs for station, ship no doubt liberty will be over the 1000 naval capacity cap and planet maintenance for 'ultra-realism!' and the like. Can we start applying stupid hard limits to Coalition, CR and HF too because shock horror us disco factions actually like to branch out and be more dynamic with our roleplay? Oh wait I forget creativity is a crime and trying to be interesting is cancer. Whilst we're at it we might as well the respective playerbases of disco factions to get bent.

And I can already hear the staff reeling back in annoyance that someone in this brownnoser community is actually criticising their conduct. I'm awfully sorry for complaining! Please don't push my player requests back a few more months! Anything but those! [rolls eyes audibly]

In all seriousness my concern for the mod is at an all-time low. The level of general organisation and efficiency of the staff is terrible and nothing gets done. They are unable to actually see when players apply genuine effort to try and create something decent for the wider community in an attempt to help revitalise our obviously dying community and mod. I'm just giving up because what's the point in faction leaders and community members putting all this effort in if the staff just don't give a damn. Maybe it's because I'm black or something idk.

And it's highly likely this rant will fall on deaf ears because either A. This FSR will just be ignored like all the others because the staff don't really care about factions as much as they like to give off or B. "hee hee it's lythrilux wow he's so mad lol!". But I don't really care anyway. There is utterly zero point in putting any effort into any aspect of this mod, especially in leadership. Factions aren't rewarded for doing well, nor are they punished for doing badly. There's no praise nor criticism on an official level. There's no standards or guidelines. I could drive my faction into the ground or ascend it to greatness and it wouldn't matter. We're all just cogs in a system that can hardly sustains itself and is slowly reaching breaking point. And I suggest the rest of the community should really let go of their woes, concerns and cares. Disco is worth a lot less of the effort you put in people. And it's sad because I see legitimately great roleplay stories or background lore by other people and I can't help but think that effort would be spent better elsewhere. Seriously.

When this ship penultimately sinks at least I can look back and say I tried. Mod is dead. The staff killed him.
Faction Status Report
Gaian Guard - GG-

[Image: Q20kiuX.png]

Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month
An event with Crayterians Colonials some time ago as well as an event with HF that is to take place this evening. Except that it's just the usual pirating, preaching and smuggling. We've also got a consirderable influx of new people (never enough of those, though!).

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?
A handful of posts in our message dump, the Torshavn Comm Network. Also an unanswered comm to a member of the Brotherhood and the very first first use of our channel with HA.

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?
We're doing way better than I anticipated, to be honest. The only major issue we currently have is Bretonia being rather RIP most of the time.

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?
I'm not aware of any.

Is there anything you would like to add?
Glory be to the Guardians of Gaia!
Faction Status Report
The Wild- Wilde. D9| Aoi|

Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month
Killing humans all over Sirius, either while being undercover or while being fully mean aliens. Also trying to spark conflicts, which sadly doesnt work all that well if people do not play along.

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?
RP with the BDM, otherwise mostly ingame presence.

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?
Would be cool if people played along a bit more often, but I dont quite believe in wonders.

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?
Request for Gallic equipment, request for OC rephacks.

Is there anything you would like to add?
Faction Status Report
Border World Exports - Bowex)

[Image: Pn82j84.png]

Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month
- We supplied a good amount of stations
- We got a good amount of new and active member
- Mining Gold ore with BMM- and BMF|
- I updated almost every Bowex) page and added a roster

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?
Business contract with the Phoenix Base
Business contract with Solitaire Metropolis
Business contract with BMF
Business contract with BMF
Business contract with the Phoenix Base
Business contract with [Star]
Business contract with BMF

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?
Currently nothing

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?

Is there anything you would like to add?
Join Bowex) and BMM-
Faction Status Report
The Order - Order|

Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month
Patrols, seeking out roleplays, roleplaying with each other. The standard diplomatic role-play and involvment in the FP11 aftermath crisis.

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?
To start with, Order Research and Development is doing joint projects with Ingenuus such as Thunderbay which visited pages of FSR's in the previous months.

The Order continues series of diplomatic - through mostly ingame - discussions with various parties Sirius-wide.

Small scale role-play involving Dragons, GC, SCRA, ALG.

Plot to bring one of the former Order admirals back from the hiatus is slowly getting momentum.

The Big Plans Inc. are yet to come.

Re-organization and updating of Order RP threads starts, improving quality and getting information in line with the last update.

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?
While my faction is not struggling, factions that we COULD interact with however are not so lucky and perhaps are even ignored.

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?
Nothing directly related to wellbeing of Order| atm.

Is there anything you would like to add?
I always knew this is a terrible idea and now it only starts that people notice how flawed entire concept of faction status reports is. While good on paper and potentially benefitting the community - should anyone actually read it at some point - we're wasting more than 15 minutes usually on useless piece of text that no one will actually bother using to improve disco as a whole. I do not like it, my HC members do not like it, it is a chore that leads to nothing.

Again, please let the FSR's die.
[Image: QE6EQ7e.png]
Faction Status Report
Prime Artificial Intelligence - PRIME|

Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month
For an all time high in activity for PRIME we've done surprisingly little. Apart for a few ingame RP encounters (one of them planned) we couldn't do much. With the activity linked to the FP11 situation decreasing, the Omicrons are becoming alarmingly empty and we're having a hard time finding people to RP with (more details in the "problems" section).

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?

Alien Wars PvP event
RP with ALG
Setup for PRIME - TBH IFF adjustment

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?

I am getting a little frustrated with the whole Omicron situation. There are less and less people to interact with and those who are left are not willing to engage in serious RP encounters. Suggestions on how to resolve this issue are provided (or rather have been provided last month) in the "additions" section. Going through the other faction reports this seems to be a reoccuring theme amongst RP-heavy factions.

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?
We did request an IFF adjustment for TBH. Since there was no comment about it as of now I'm assuming that it's not being processed. I would apreciate it if that could be taken care of.

Is there anything you would like to add?
I feel like it's time to do something to keep the server active and emprace some drastic measures like highly discouraging PvP for a limited amount of time to softly force people to RP more. This could be accomplished by disableing Connecticut or nerfing all weapons to mining laser stats. Another idea would be server wide peace for a week or so to test out if all activity would drop dead or if the overall RR quality would rise.

The following section still applies, despite being from last month. I didn't get any updates on it, so I'm assuming that nobody read it.

Objectively seen we're feeling a little neglected regarding recent changes in the game. There were and won't be any changes to promote us as a faction, rather the only change that's even linked to us will be shrinking one of our planets to a station and scaling down our territory from having a home system to having a quarter of a system. We might not be the largest faction but I think we'd at least deserve something that would make us more appealing to new players and improve the immersion (references in infocards, shipwrecks, objects in space).

The following section (also) still applies, despite being from last month.

Even if the whole clash between the Core and the Zoner brought forth an event or two I think what I wrote last month still applies. I think I'm speaking for all leaders of Omicron based factions if I'm saying that we'd appreciate it if the Omicrons would get some active support on behalf of the admin team.
[Image: UuJsIzJ.png]
Faction Status Report
Crayter Republic - CR|

Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month
Classic patrols and transport runs from our members. We had some diplomatic RP with Auxesia.
We've also had one small pew event with the Gaians and we're continuing on the anti-Gallic front along with the Council and other Tau factions.

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?
Latest MDs - various intel

Auxesia License for illegal commodities transportation

CR Movers job for one of our deals with Gateway
Purchase of a Matrix from Gateway

Request for Silver clearance from Order

Small role-play where a (supposedly) LSF agent boards one of our ships

OS&C RP discussion regarding the "Atlas"

RP with Wisp Innovations (Cryer) - third time's the charm...

Threat comm. to the Gaians
As result of this event ( GG vs CR )

Council General contacts CR|
leading to this ( military discussion for the conquering of Tau 44 )
and this ( Tau Union meeting )

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?
Not for the moment.

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?
The CR| + [C] event for reclaiming Tau 44

Is there anything you would like to add?
Nothing that would be of relevance in this thread.

[Image: bdm_hcv5u32.png]
Faction Status Report
Büro der Marineintelligenz - BDM|

Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month
We were a bit more active last month than usual - In game, but also on forums. A spontaneous expedition to Omicron Minor, destruction of an illegal PoB within the Westerwald, catching smugglers with help of RFP, brawls with unlawful indies, and RP with Das Wilde. A fresh thread has been created, to archive the radio traffic between BDM and other factions within the communication channel section. You will find the link below.

We still prepare for a storyline event. Its progress is slow due to a few irregularities which must be cleared away before we can begin. We also began to work on a special BDM squad, consisting of elite pilots and AI controlled combat drones. What we need is our own snubline and more funds from the Bundestag. ಠᴗಠ

What roleplay has your faction been involved in?
■ Latest reports can be found here:
■ Latest transmissions can be found here:

Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with?
Nein, none so far. But fresh blood is always welcome.

Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction?
There might be still a few requests from us.

Is there anything you would like to add?

(06-03-2016, 05:56 PM)Jayce Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not even sure if BDM is official any more.

Hello. Zhiz iz BDM, zhe most active offical intelligence faction in discovery. Nize to meez you.
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